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TVD 3x5 full.mp4


Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

This episode was great, yes it was sad but it was very well done! the full season its crazy, can't wait for more, there's not a spell for bringing humanity back its up to the vampire...and keep an open mind cause there will be things you like but things you won't like too like everything. and remember you have a long way to go so a lot of things change <3 you still can choose when you have the humanity off, he didn't choose to turn it off but what he does here on is by choice he just doesn't have to care about the things he does.....is not that easy, everything have deeper things and you will see during all the series you still have a crazy long ride


An infamous episode of all TVD history, so much happens here that is the catalyst to things that will happen seasons later. You have to remember that while Elena does own the Salvatore residence once she invites someone in that's it...there is no undoing. That's why they end up killing that one tomb vampire at the dance episode- not only because he was a threat but also because he'd been let into the Gilbert home. You're right about Stefan, whatever he does now may be awful but can not be held against him because it's clear that a major part of what makes up his character is gone. A lot can be done when your sympathy, morality, and empathy is taken from you and it can cause tragedy but it can also erase hesitation and get shit done. Just because he no longer has his humanity doesn't mean he's just lashing out like a child, he doesn't care enough to wreak havoc for no reason so it's not like he's gonna take advantage of his lack of humanity and fuck shit up. That scene when Stefan is immune to Klaus' compelling is incredibly powerful and beautiful, also keep in mind that while Bonnie is stronger than her season 1 self a lot of season 2 she was riding on the fact that she did have all that witch power- she may be strong but now she's not able to fall back on others and the recovery may take longer and be far more intense, she can't be as reckless with her power and if the writers just allowed her to be capable of everything...that would be way too easy and unbelievable- her own grandmother still struggled with things so I find it hard to believe that a 17 or 18 year old can just do it . I know this season will be very hard for you since the writers are definitely taking this season to build on Damon and Elena while Stefan is sort of on the back burner but just seek comfort in the fact that Elena doesn't just switch over like some of the fans desperately want her to. We will definitely learn more about hybrids and will see the sire bond in different forms, Matt killing himself wasn't necessary for this situation but at least now that he's done it he can contact Vicki and maybe get closure or something. The originals get their own show after season 4 so there's bound to be some change and more interesting things about them- also keep in mind that Caroline wasn't so likeable in the earlier episodes so of course anyone is capable of dimension and complexity. Doesn't mean what they've done is ok but it certainly means it's not as simple as writing it all off as inexcusable. Lovely reaction as always, stay safe, black lives matter!


54:24 "YAS FOOL!" love it


Maybe you weren't understanding when Klaus explained why he thought Elena's blood would work but it was a good reason. Matt and Bonnie didn't "do anything or try to save Elena" because they didn't have a chance to since Klaus was listening in and heard them 10 seconds after they got Matt out of the pool. So why wouldn't Klaus try the opposite thing? He has nothing to lose. If it didn't work then he just kills Elena. They needed the locket for the witch to use as a talisman to contact the Original Witch. They didn't have the necklace cause Katherine stole it so Bonnie had to find a different way to contact the dead. Hence Matt drowning himself and listening to Vickie who lied to him.


Lol. You can't uninvite a vampire in this show. That's only True Blood

golam rabbi

Klaus has like 1000 years of experience and knowledge, so him figuring out that the blood of Elena is the cure isn’t a surprise. You just have to go along with the idea that klaus is always one step ahead of everyone like Katherine said.


Elena is no longer the owner of the Salvatore house because she died at the ritual. As soon as an owner dies, anyone can be welcome.


Not sure what happened to my previous comments, they completely disappeared straight after I posted them. Stefan is being compelled to turn of his humanity and guard Elena, everything else is his choice and there is no spell to make him turn his humanity back on again. Also, don't expect him just to turn it back on and be his normal self. Damon is a perfect example of what a vampire is like after they first regain their humanity. However, the longer it is off, the longer it takes to come back. This was covered in Stefan's journal when Damon and Elena went to Chicago. It took Stefan 30 years to recover as his humanity had been off for a long time. This season is hard to watch Stefan, but it is interesting to see what a vampire is like without their humanity. The writers frequently use the characters to highlight mythology about vampires, especially the bad stuff. Damon has been used in the past, so has Vicki and Caroline. Now it is Stefan's turn to explain some things through his actions. This gives us a hint of what a vampire can really be like. Great reaction, looking forward to the next episode. Take care, stay safe, stay healthy, black lives matter! x


Not sure where the comment went where you asked what do I mean Vickie lied but yeah she lied to Matt. Klaus wanted to know how to make his hybrids since they kept dying. Matt said that Vickie told him in order for Klaus to make more hybrids that the doppleganger (Elena) had to die in the sacrifice ritual that Klaus did to trigger his wolf side in order for Klaus to make his hybrids. That wasn't true because in order for him to make more hybrids he needed Elena alive because in order for a werewolf to become a hybrid they can't drink just any blood it has to be the doppleganger's blood that originally bound the spell. The Original Witch did this on purpose so that even if Klaus was to trigger his werewolf side then he still couldn't also sire a new hybrid race. Klaus just got 'lucky' that the others had found a way to bring Elena back from the dead or he'd be waiting another who knows how many years for another doppleganger to re emerge in the world.

Josh Man

That is not true. When they turn there emotions back on they can be flooded with emotion, yes. Stephan is just weak and is a blood junkie. He spent 30 years learning too suppress his cravings and to feed only on animal blood. It had nothing to do with his humanity.


Hey, how you been? Hope you're doing okay. I know I'm late, but anyway, I was thinking about writing whole paragraphs, but I'm too lazy, lol, so I'll just say this: I have absolute disdain for Stefan fighting off Niklaus' compulsion & think its stupid. I have my reasons, but can't really say without spoiling so I won't. Nevertheless, continue to stay safe & enjoy yourself with the Series; I'll try to catch up with your Reactions, lol.