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Dr Who special 5 full.mp4



I just knew you wouldn't leave us hanging for the second part. Really appreciate that. Right let's get ready to....... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


As a teenager watching this when it aired I was bawling from the moment Wilfred knocked 4 times till long after the episode finished. I was pretty much inconsolable. David Tennant will always be my Doctor


Something you should know is that this is the final episode of what we call the 'RTD' era because its the final episode that he wrote. Doctor who does this thing every several seasons where it almost soft reboots with a new feel and head writer. The new writer is Steven Moffat who wrote Blink, the library episodes and the empty child/ the doctor dances. Also Mickey decided to return to our reality during 4x13 with martha and Jack since he didn't have anyone left in his reality. I'm loving the reactions btw, always gives me something to look forward to!


it's not alternate universe Martha or Mickey. at the end of the series 4 finale "Journeys End", Mickey stayed in our universe because there was nothing left for him in his universe as his gran passed away. he went with Martha and Jack. we don't know anything else that happened after that, we can just presume Martha and Mickey got together and Martha and Tom didn't work out.

Ian Smith

Bernard Cribbins is a British institution :) He's been in pretty much everything that's worth watching,for the past 50 years (including playing one of the Doctors companions in a spin-off movie back in 1966!) The Mystery Woman is open to interpretation. Many fans believe it to be the Doctors Granddaughter Susan (his first companion in the first run of stories) but as an older woman. RTD left the mystery open to interpretation,but preferred the idea that she's the Doctors mother. Or she could be his cousin,Gladys (my personal head-canon!). The Time Lords in Classic Who were a bunch of pompous stuffed shirts;and many of them were corrupt. They were never the Doctors friends (and were almost certainly the reason he went on the run in the first place). Dalton was excellently cast,imo. Right, onwards!! Looking forward to the next era.


Remember how Mickey said his grandmother died, and Rose would never love him, during the final scenes in Journeys End? So he stayed behind in our main universe and ran off with Martha and Jack. No spoilers, but if you want more Martha, Mickey, and Jack, I highly recommend the ninth doctor comics, and actually all the new who comics. Also, yes that was the Doctors mom. Its not confirmed, but RTD has sort of said thats who he thinks she is. Cool that you caught that. 11 is my favorite doctor, so Im excited for you to watch the Matt Smith era. I have a feeling youre really gonna love him as a Doctor. If you thought Tennant had a wild personality, oh boyy...

Henry from CO

DOCTOR: What year is this? ROSE: Blimey, how much have you had? DOCTOR: Well … ROSE: 2005, January the first DOCTOR: 2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year. ROSE: Yeah? See ya.


And it still works that she doesn’t recognize him later because it’s Christopher Eccelston.

David Murray

I am with Anne on this, Matt Smith and Colin Baker are my favorite Doctors.


“I dont want to go!” gets me right in the feels every time.


Most of the actors leave the show when they want to. It's pretty customary for an actor to leave the role of the Doctor after about four years, though some people who have portrayed the Doctor didn't get to decide when they left, whether it be through actually being fired or the show being cancelled or never picked up. David Tennant, specifically, announced his leaving a little after RTD announced he was leaving the show. Moffat actually wanted Tennant to stay on but Tennant felt like leaving when RTD left was the best move.


In terms of this episode, I'm not a huuuge fan. In terms of these last two RTD finales, I prefer Journey's End. I think this story is just a bit uneven where for every good scene there's a scene I just don't like, and I also just think it's a pretty mean way for RTD to pass on the show. It really feels like a middle finger to the next actor who plays the Doctor and the next showrunner, even though by this point, I've softened on that reading. Obviously RTD wanted to play with and write about his own emotions about leaving the show and I think that's interesting, but his writing in conversation with whatever comes next feels sort of like a "I don't want to leave and I'll make the job harder for the next guy" tantrum even though I know he's GREAT friends with Moffat.


Great reaction. I'm really glad you enjoyed this finale of the specials. Its sad that you've now reached the end of David Tennant's era. He decided to leave because he felt if he didn't move on then he would have stayed in the role forever. This was an emotional ride. I genuinely loved all the scenes with The Doctor, Wilf, The Master, The Timelords and the aliens. I'm glad you liked the Master in these episodes. Not only is this a goodbye to David Tennant but this is also a goodbye to Russell T Davies' era of Doctor Who. This is why it gets such an emotional send off with the Doctor saying goodbye to all his companions and allies from this era one last time. Although RTD's era still lives on a bit longer in spin offs like Sarah Jane and Torchwood. To answer your question about Martha and Mickey, if you remember Journey's End (The Series 4 finale), Mickey told The Doctor that he wasn't going back to the parallel world because his grandmother died peacefully and there was nothing there left for him, so only Rose, Jackie and the human Doctor went back to the parallel world. Mickey then left alongside Martha and Jack after saying goodbye to The Doctor Martha was originally engaged to Tom Milligan from the Series 3 finale but for unknown reasons, it ends up not working out and she's now married to Mickey. The real life reason for this is because Russell T Davies wanted Martha to become "Martha Smith Jones" by the end of her run because her first episode was called Smith and Jones. It's a bit hectic with Martha going from Tom to Mickey but Freema mentioned at a con that it was because RTD was leaving and wanted to tie up loose ends. I remember watching this when it aired. It was so emotional. It was the end of era but the story never ends. These episodes are really great and hit me even more on a rewatch. Glad you enjoyed this journey. This will always be my favourite era of Doctor Who and Tennant will always be my favourite Doctor. :)

Lloyd B

Glad you enjoyed this. Hopefully you’ll like Matt Smith as the Doctor. He took in this role years before The Crown, and was not well known then. He’s the youngest actor to ever be cast as the Doctor (28 at the time), but has an extraordinary range in his performance. With a new Doctor and show runner (Steven Moffat) , the show has a slight shift in tone, but is still very much Doctor Who. I for one am always excited when a new Doctor comes along, ever since I saw John Pertwee regenerate into Tom Baker in 1974. It’s always thrilling to see what the new actor brings to the role.


I liked how the Doctor is described as thinking back on these events in the novelisation of a later special - "He'd cleverly saved an old friend from dying of radiation poisoning, started dying of radiation poisoning, said goodbye to all his best friends because he was dying of radiation poisoning, died of radiation poisoning, regenerated, made a mental note to apologise to all his best friends for possibly overstating the situation with the radiation poisoning..." 😂

Adam C Turek

Since before the Christmas Special "The Next Doctor" it was revealed David Tennant was leaving the show, as he was performing for Sir Patrick Stewarts Hamlet, hence why we got three specials rather than a season that year. The Doctor is always the one that ended the Time War with something called "The Moment" destroying not just the Daleks but everyone on Gallifrey too, with now more context in this episode if he didn't then the Timelords were going to rip apart the time vortex ending all of existence. Either way, no one on Gallifrey had a chance of survival but at least the Universe is intact, still haunts him though. The 10th Doctors last words "I don't want to go" made it very hard for Die Hard Tennant fans to except Matt Smith right away which i always thought was a bit irresponsible, it should be a passing of the torch not "i'm changing and i didnt want this". Matt Smith is my personal fav Doctor, he's brilliant and quite different to Tennant, hope you enjoy.


Yeah I thought that line was an odd thing to put in the script and yes irresponsible😬.


I was quite annoyed with the 10th Doctor for yelling at Wilf for getting stuck in that chamber, going on about how unimportant he was compared to him. Seemed like a reprise of the 'little people' thing from The Waters Of Mars, but to one of his friends. I suppose I can understand 10 being upset at only having four years of 'life', but the fact is that he's massively lucky to be able to regenerate and he's not *really* dying. I suppose he did pull himself together fairly quickly afterwards, but still. Not cool.


I think you've entirely missed the point of what that outburst was and 10's entire character.

Samuel Coghlan-White

I guess it didn't work out between Martha and Lucifer lol

Mark Ward

Everyone else has already explained about Mickey which was the main thing I wanted to comment on. Personally I am a huge Tennant fan and Smith's era might be my least favourite of the 'New Who' eras (not necessarily his performance, but there are some parts I don't enjoy and really struggle to get through (particularly the middle of season 6) but I hope you have a different experience - loads of people love Smith's era. Oh the other thing I wanted to comment on - you kept saying 'So are the time lords bad?' which was a really interesting question coming from you, because you're normally so much about 'I want three dimensional villains'. I don't think Time Lords are just 'bad'. There are good Time Lords and bad ones and corrupt ones and honest ones. I love the Time Lords on the whole because they're very unpredictable and more multi-layered, particularly if you go through their whole 55 years of history.

Mark Ward

I'm sure someone else has already told you but Bernard Cribbins played one of the companions in the 1966 movie Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150 A.D. if you wanted to see some of his early work that crosses over into the Doctor Who world! (Having said that, the 1960s movies are not seen as canon as they are effectively remakes of 1960s TV stories that were changed for the big screen).

Josh B

Is there a reaction today?