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Dr Who 4x6 full.mp4


Lloyd B

The outstanding "fun fact" of this episode, which all DW fans take great pleasure in, is that the actress play in Jenny, Georgia Moffet, is the real life daughter of Peter Davison, who played the 5th Doctor in the 1980s (who you saw in the minisode Time Crash), so really is the Doctor's Daughter. Not only that, but she and David Tennant became engaged not long after this episode was filmed. So she is also the Doctor's wife, and mother of several of his children. Which in a sense means the Doctor is not only father to his own wife, but grandfather to his own children, as well as being son in law to himself.


This is an OK episode and probably the weakest of the series in my view. The 7 days war due to countless generations was an excellent concept but the episode didn’t really amount to much. What I do like about it is that it is another peak at the layering of the post Time War Doctor, more chipping away at the Doctor’s psyche. Since losing Rose he has become almost completely sealed off and rarely opens up unless it has something to do with the Time War or Timelords. JENNY: But it's them or us.  DOCTOR: It doesn't mean you have to kill them.  JENNY: I'm trying to save your life.  DOCTOR: Listen to me. The killing. After a while, it infects you. And once it does, you're never rid of it.  I love that line. It shows he is still just as haunted by the Time War as Eccleston’s Doctor was.

Ian Smith

The '7 day war that feels like an eternity' was a neat idea;but there wasn't enough time to do much with it. Separating Martha from the Doctor and Donna was,as you pointed out,also a disappointment;as we missed out on their interactions. My biggest irritation with the episode was the title,which gave a somewhat false promise. We know that the Doctor used to have a family (and his first ever companion was his granddaughter);so it felt as though this should have given some much-awaited insight into an element of his past - but it was not to be. Also,th resurrection of Jenny was apparently a last-minute idea,that was not in the original script.


Yeah not a terrible episode but I’m glad I’m not the only one who was a little disappointed by parts of it. Knowing the Doctor’s daughter is out there though is a cool concept!😄

Mark Ward

I really dislike this episode. I'm glad you're through the 3 worst episodes of the season... Keeping Martha was UTTERLY POINTLESS as you alluded to and it really felt like a wasted opportunity. The concept of the Doctor's daughter irritates me so much. But I liked the idea of the 7 Day war - it was just badly developed on screen. The rest of this season is fantastic. There's one episode that lots don't like but I really enjoy in a fun campy way - and the rest of the season is literally all top top top notch stuff.


I'm glad you liked this episode for the most part and the spotlight on the war themes. The material The Doctor gets in this is interesting because it really reflects on his lifestyle and how he's no different to Jenny. I like how you noticed the layers with those scenes. I liked the moments with him opening up to Donna and when he was challenged by Jenny to the point where he starts to warm up to her only to lose her by the end. But I also agree about the short length. It's a shame this wasn't a two parter because it could have been developed so much more. I really like the 7 day war concept but I feel like it needed more time to develop and explore the surroundings before reaching this climax. It feels too rushed in some parts. I agree about Martha too. It's great that she's more independent but it's a shame she was separated from The Doctor and Donna.

John Smith

You're almost at the good stuff, another decent episode next and then onto the elites. I personally really like this episode although most don't, we learn more about the Doctor's past and the family arc that is lingers throughout imo is quite emotional. Hope you enjoy what's to come, can't wait for future reactions!

John Smith

Also to add, great use of Murray Gold's music in this episode. We hear some classic Series 3 soundtracks such as This is Gallifrey and Martha's Theme which are some of my favourites!