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Supernatural 1x1 full.mp4



So I made a comment twice now and they keep deleting. So if this is just on my end, and I'm spamming you with comments, I apologise, but I guess it deleted itself because I don't see them anymore.🤔 Basically I just summed up that there wasn't too much to say about the first episode. I said that there were a couple little questions that you had, for example about the dad, that I could answer, and I wouldn't consider it a spoiler. But just in case you'd rather see it for yourself I'll keep it to myself, but it's not that exciting. Moving on to the boys most people do gravitate towards Dean more in the beginning. I know I definitely did. He has the whole rock n' roll leather jacket, classic car thing going on.😎 I think once you get deeper into the characters it'll be easier to relate to them. Also in my comment I mentioned how as a resident member of the SPN fandom 🤗 I welcome criticism and psychoanalysis of these characters. I said how although I don't want to compare the two... in Vampire diaries people get upset when you speak poorly on Damon. I love that show too. But as far as Supernatural. I completely understand why you would love one of the characters or disagree with one of the characters, I do. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's not fun without you're honest opinion and I love getting new perspectives on characters that I've been watching for years. I know I'm getting ahead of myself but just thinking about the future episodes makes me so excited to see you react to it. Supernatural is a sometimes silly, fun, scary show. It's really special and I will probably, definitely keep requesting it for you.😁 Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. Thank you for reacting to it. 💞


Yeah something’s going on with Patreon. I enjoyed this first episode. Scary!


Everyone always tells me to watch this show, but I’ve only seen the first season (not even the whole season but I don’t know where I left off), and while I liked it and think the Winchester brothers are hot, it was a little too episodic and “monster of the week” for me. But maybe I should give it another chance. It’s sooo many seasons though 😱. Any show with more than 7 or 8 seasons kind of intimidates me.


I can definitely see how it's intimidating. Some show's just aren't for everybody. Supernatural does change a lot over time, but there are always things I like and things I don't like. Some things I wish would change and some I wish they hadn't changed. But I still love the show anyway. I'm actually someone who enjoys some MOTW/episodic episodes. As long as they are interesting - and especially if they still have the main story arc in them. Maybe it will be less daunting for you to watch with someone else. Or to watch the shorter edits.


Supernatural is a great series, probably my favorite, the characters and the story are constantly evolving and although sometimes I get mad at certain choices I love them, they are surprising. At the beginning when I started the series I must say that it is only towards the end of season 1 that I followed the story better and really from season 4 that I was addicted 🤣