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TVD 2x8 full.mp4


Megan Brady

I think Stefan said he 'found something to live for' and not someone specifically. Maybe that's what he's referring to but it leaves it open for interpretation, as in he found better reasons to be good than bad.

Megan Brady

I can't wait for you to see the next episode! It is one of my favourites! Also just a reminder in case you had forgotten, could you please react to that link I sent you a short while ago of the episode 2x09 special feature.


Ay, the originals, I forgot it was this early on that one was shown! I really like Elijah so excited to see what you think of the next couple of episodes.


Great reaction. Lots of questions will be soon answered, but they will also lead to more questions. The first hint of Stefan's past. You'll find out more over time. Just a note, episode 3x10 of True Blood, you'll see Elijah, and you might recognise his girlfriend. The first time Stefan saw Elena was the night her parents died. He didn't know she existed before then. Not sure if you noticed, but Damon sounded like he had a cold. Ian had walking pneumonia while filming, he continued, but you can tell he was ill. Damon locking Katherine in the tomb seems to have done him the world of good. He can start to be a better person and stick to killing bad guys instead. He can be very selfless, and not just when it comes to Elena. I like Rose. Despite her kidnapping Elena, she is a vampire who I would class as genuinely good in a similar way to Lexi. Next episode is extremely interesting, can't wait.


As I was in a rush when I reacted yesterday, there was something I forgot to mention. Katherine forced Mason to trigger his curse in August 2009, which was before Stefan & Damon officially met Elena. Katherine wanted the moonstone in relation to the curse, however, according to Rose, the Petrova doppelganger is also essential for the curse to be broken, which means Katherine must have known about Elena prior to Stefan and Damon (she was dating Mason but we don't know how long for). How long had Katherine known her doppelganger was around? She obviously had to locate Mason, weasel her way into his life and get him to turn. This must have been before Elena's parents died.


The Originals are BY FAR the best villians I've seen in any show ever. Bad ass dude. UGH!! I can not even explain my excitement and absolute happiness that you're getting introduced to them, and I get to rewatch them with you 😍😍😍 I love them. Glad you like the episode. See you next time!💞