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Henry from CO

Nice reaction to a good little filler episode. Allot of action and excitement, but nothing really special. The big impact for me was near the end; the Doctor giving Martha the Tardis key. She now has the key to his home. She’s no longer a guest, but a full fledge companion. This little gesture is huge in their relationship going forward. Just in time too for what’s coming up. As Samuel L once said …. “hold on to your butts”.

Lloyd B

I don't mind this episode, but you're right in that it is a bit of a filler. I do like the concept playing out the threat effectively in real time, with the countdown being the length of the episode. The title "42" is also a bit of a nod to Douglas Adams (Hitch hikers Guise to the Galaxy, etc.), who wrote several classic Doctor Who stories in the 1970s. Incidentally, the body temperature of 100 degrees mentioned was in celsius, not Fahrenheit. That equates to over 210 degrees Fahrenheit. So, yes, it is quite hot🙂.


Lol I forgot Celsius is used in UK. I was like “that’s not that hot where I’m from”😂


Bring on the rest of this series. More of a fan of what's to come than with this particular offering.

Mark Ward

Nobody’s favourite episode and after your muted response to Impossible Planet I knew you’d dislike this one as it’s definitely not as good as that. The rest of the series is amazing though... in my little opinion, there’s nothing less than 9/10 in the rest of the season.


Wow that’s quite a statement! I’m really looking forward to the rest now😄


Sometimes the only point of a Dr. Who story is pure escapism. That presumes a person has something to escape from. For me, enjoying this episode so many years ago meant escaping on a weeknight from the drudgery of working in an office among banal people all day long. It was a brief, light hour's excursion into the fantastic.