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🐺 Mason😭


TVD 2x6 full.mp4



Great reaction. For a time explanation, Katherine has been around for 11 days. S2 takes place over a very short period of time. From 26th 2010 - 1st May 2010. Damon was a complete moron for telling Katherine what he'd done. No excuses. I understand why he killed Mason, he was a threat to all of them. He couldn't let Katherine have the moonstone. Damon had tried to tell Jeremy to go away and not get involved all day, so he resorted to threats. He was doing it for Jeremy's own good. Jeremy is 16 and Damon didn't want Jeremy to see him kill Mason in a violent way. Katherine clearly had plans for Mason and they had been together for at least a year (was mentioned he'd been a werewolf for a year in the last episode). Mason knew exactly what Katherine was like as he mentioned the killing part. Mason was not a innocent in all of this. Katherine started it by turning him into a wolf for whatever reason she needs a wolf. Mason was using Katherine because he didn't want to turn. It is a curse, which means it isn't nice. Not only was Mason a danger to the vampires, Mason hated being a wolf and Damon realized that. Damon knew Katherine wasn't going to stop Mason turning and whichever way, Mason was always going to suffer. Damon did Mason a favour because it was the only way to stop him from turning. But telling Katherine was unbelievably idiotic of Damon. I'm not quite sure what planet he was living on when he thought that might be a good idea. It is one of those moments I shake my head in disbelief with Damon's behaviour. Fans of Damon do know when he categorically cocks up and his imperfections make him interesting. His complete idiot moments make us want to bang our heads against a brick wall. Yes Damon provoked Katherine, but he wasn't to know she'd been compelling Jenna. It was Katherine who compelled her not Damon. Damon was an idiot, she was being malicious. Katherine doesn't kill that many herself, she doesn't like getting her clothes and nails dirty. She gets other people to do it for her. I think you've probably gathered that by now. Most vampires use people to do their dirty work. Stefan, Damon and now Caroline, generally do it themselves. It means they are more likely to face the consequences of their actions. It sets them apart from other vampires. An example is Anna, she turned Ben the bartender to get to Bonnie. She killed him, he would probably have killed someone when he turned. He mentioned they would hunt together, so how many more died because she wanted someone to do her dirty work? Caroline made a great comment on the mentality of a vampire. They have the urge to kill and they enjoy it. It is their basic nature without exception. If the Dalai Lama became a vampire, he'd want to kill too. A vampire needs a reason not to kill. It has to be strong enough to override their basic nature. Caroline had Matt and Liz, Stefan has Elena. Loving a good person is the key. Only humans can stop vampires seeing humans as food. Technically Stelena didn't need to split up, but Elena's reasoning will make sense. The show operates at this pace most of the time. Next episode is a goodie. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one.


Mason only became a threat after Damon attacked him. They could’ve easily followed Mason to see where he was going and what he was up to. They would’ve seen him hide the moonstone in the well and seen him go to the bed & breakfast. But Damon has no patience. But his impulsiveness causes drama which makes entertaining/frustrating television😩


Yet another character on Damon's list of unnecessary and undeserving kills. It does not matter how much of a threat Mason was in the end because he wouldn't have been one in the first place if Damon had chosen to listen to everyone (not just Stefan) about handling things civilly. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, I love Damon but his issue is not only that he acts so impulsively then refuses to take responsibility for it when shit pops off, it's that he constantly does awful things then tries to frame himself as the misunderstood guy who's trying to do good. You can't harass someone constantly, threaten them, act on that threat, and then get upset when they choose to fight back. People will claim that, that's what makes Damon a complex character when really it just makes him look idiotic.


Okay so Damon is a bad person 😂. Listen, I'm a Delena fan, and aside from Katherine, Damon is one of, if not my FAVORITE character. But I can be objective with any character from any show, and recognize when they're being ummm.... psychotic. And Damon is a bad person. I get that Damon is deep, and we can sit here and psychoanalyze everything that he does all you want, but the fact of the matter is Damon takes pleasure out of hurting and killing people, and I know 100% that if his character existed in real life I wouldn't want to be friends with him or around him in any way. I mean let's just keep it a buck. I love him too, but I'm just saying it like it is....also I really liked Mason, so I was pressed when I first watched this😭 I feel like they could have done more with his character, not just with the Moonstone storyline, but I feel like he could've been a good addition to the show. He was so likable Now Brandon I will say that by your logic, if Damon is responsible for Jenna, then Katherine is responsible for Jeremy. Or Stefan is responsible for everyone else that Damon kills. Because you've said that it's not Stefan's fault that Damon kills (which it's not.... entirely) and you said that even though Katherine riled Damon up (E1) it wasn't her fault when Damon killed Jeremy. So technically if we're going by that logic then the same should apply to Damon here. It was not Damon's fault that Katherine tried to kill Jenna. Katherine is a killer, just like Damon, and yes he may have riled her up, but at the end of the day it was her decision to hurt Jenna. For no other reason than she wanted to. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that the same rules should be applied to everyone.


It was Katherine’s fault that Jenna got hurt, but she only did it to send a message and because Damon pissed her off. I don’t think she would’ve done it otherwise unless provoked. She seems to only do things for a reason and is never impulsive the way Damon is. Sometimes Damon has his own reasons, but most of the time he doesn’t think things through. Katherine is at fault for nearly everything that’s happened technically yes, but Stefan tries very hard not to contribute to the already shitty situations they all find themselves in where as Damon goes out of his way to make things worse.


Yes, I agree. I will say that Katherine and Damon are very similar. But impulsivity that's where they differ.( At least from what you've seen so far), Katherine is definitely more plan oriented and can play the long game, whereas Damon does EVERYTHING based off of his emotions or ego. (From what you've seen so far) you've been spoiled on the whole "Damon gets better" thing, but that's in the future. Right now I think you should take Damon at face value and if you think he's evil right now, then that's that. Honestly though I love hearing your point of view on Damon. I'm always someone that says "just because they're the main characters, doesn't mean we have to agree with them" I can love a character like Mason who was opposing the boys, and also love Damon. I'm glad that you're saying something that is so painfully obvious that Damon is kind of bad a lovable bad 😂but bad nonetheless


Same ol', same ol' - Damon being ignorant, someone gets killed for stupid reasons, the Series portrays Elena and Stefan's relationship as the reason Katherine retaliates... Sometimes I can't with this Show. lol


Right. Katherine said she already knew about them and basically let them continue. It wasn’t until Damon killed Mason that she retaliated.