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TVD 1x20 full.mp4


Jess The Fox

Don't forget...Damon says things to deflect his real emotions. The switch is real. They've mentioned it many times, they are able to literally switch off their emotions so they don't feel guilt/pain/hurt. Quite fascinating ❤❤


Yeah he seems to do that more than Stefan. If he wanted to die back then I wonder why he doesn’t off himself now🤔


Damon mentioned Emily earlier in the season, he rescued her family and kept an eye on them over the years to ensure their survival in return for the very important crystal. Damon was initially angry because he was grieving, and when vampires feel grief, it's ten times worse than it is for humans. Stefan didn't care because he flipped his humanity switch. When they turn it back on, they usually need time to readjust, it can take days, weeks, months, decades. It depends if they have a support network around them and how long it was off. They usually focus on one thing, when they've achieved their goal, then they start to turn back into their normal self. In that transition between humanity off and being normal again, most are just as ruthless as with it off, because guilt is the last emotion they let back in. Many things have happened between Damon and Stefan since they turned. Damon telling Stefan that it was because of Katherine was to stop Stefan feeling guilty for turning Damon. It was an easy lie to make Stefan feel better, because despite Damon's protestations, he loves Stefan. The message of the show is family, love, forgiveness and redemption. It is about how love can change people, whether it is love for family or for a friend or partner. Love can change people for the better and for the worse. One of the overriding themes is over the period of the show, you will get to see how the brothers have fared over their time as both human and vampires, how it affected their choices, and ultimately what happens to them in the future. It is up to the viewer to decide whether they have redeemed themselves, and which brother needs to be redeemed the most . Feeding and compulsion could be put to use. I'd snatch, eat, erase and compel them something positive, e.g you will work hard at college to make sure you get top grades; make sure your partner knows how much you love them, every day. Sadly, that is never shown on the show, but I would nave no problems feeding from a human if I knew I could give them something back which would enrich their lives. Uncle John is an arse who just gets worse. Dalaric is the bromance you didn't know you needed. Great reaction, can't wait for the next one. The last 2 episodes of this season are brilliant.


Hmm but Damon said he hated Stefan because Katherine turned Stefan in addition to Damon and that he still hates Stefan. Doesn’t sound like he was trying to make him feel better. Maybe he was when he told him that his actions are his fault alone and Stefan’s not responsible for his actions but that’s also the truth. Stefan May have coerced Damon to complete the transition but he didn’t force Damon to kill all the innocent people that Damon killed just to get back at Stefan. Damon is responsible for his own actions and Stefan is responsible for his own


I don't necessarily agree that Stefan coerced Damon to complete Transition: He encouraged Damon, but never physically did it. You could argue the sight of blood made it difficult, though, if Damon really didn't want to Turn, He would've found a way. Still, after this, Damon's actions are His own; Stefan is not responsible for that -- No matter how much the Series tries to make us believe it.


I've never hated a character more than I hated Isobel.