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*To see reaction skip to 7:09😂


TVD 1x16 full.mp4



Easily my least favourite epsiode of the entire show. The last few minutes are important, but the rest is pointless and adds very little to the story. Fortunately, it is the first, and last true filler episode.


So glad you've taken a shine to Pearl & Anna. Even after now after the series has finished I still care for them and their relationship. It touches me in a way no other kind of relationship does in the show. This isn't a spoiler but in the books Elena was more of a Caroline esque character however, I think they tried to show earlier on in the season that Elana has made some changes or rather has changed during her bereavement so those things that Caroline and her had in common before have altered. What's lovely though is that it doesn't matter, they still care for one another. It's like Elena & Matt were the "it" couple except both of them subverted stereotypes of the typical jock and popular girl thing. Another little tidbit I'm glad the show switched up


How interesting. That makes total sense that Elena used to be a little more superficial and teen-like before the death of her parents and dramatically altered afterwards. She’s had to become more mature over night just as Bonnie became more mature after discovering her new powers. Caroline hasn’t gone through anything like that. Well she did lose her dad by him realizing he was gay and leaving but it doesn’t seem to have matured her. She only seems to be changing slightly because of her feelings for Matt. He makes her want to change which is beautiful. Elena’s newfound maturity reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy used to be very Caroline/Cordelia-like but was forced to mature almost overnight once learning she was destined to become a slayer.


Although I dislike the episode, I loved your reaction. There is nothing redeemable about Kelly. I understand she has issues with alcohol, and as a single parent she had no help raising Matt and Vicki, she went off the rails and abandoned them, clearly unable to cope. If that had been in the UK, social services would have intervened, but I don't know how things work in the US, so I can't comment. Jenna was a wild child who took drugs before having to buck up her ideas and become responsible, so her being friends with Kelly isn't too far out, but Elena's mum seems very strange. They don't seem to be the type who would have been friends. Maybe at school, but certainly not when they got older. Vampires don't seem to mature much past their turning age, simply because they would be around people of the same biological age, however, they do become wiser. Stefan would never understand the issues a 40 year old faces because he never got to that age. However, they have seen enough to understand how to deal with circumstances of their own peer groups. Damon and Stefan could probably get away with acting another 5-10 years older, and that is roughly as much as they can mature. Lexi drank human blood, she couldn't stomach the animal blood. Vampires don't like animal blood, and as you saw, it weakens them. Stefan really struggled against Bethanne, whereas Damon had no problem against Frederick. The sentiment of drinking animal blood is a nice one, but in the kill or be killed world of vampires, it is survival of the fittest. Stefan survived because he had Lexi who was very strong helping him. The reason Damon hasn't left is because Mystic Falls is as much his home as it is Stefan's. Now he has a very good reason to stay. The tomb vampires are out and have just attacked them, and as seen in this episode, Stefan is not strong enough to protect himself. Despite his protestations, Damon does love Stefan, he will do anything to protect him. I am looking forward to next reaction. It isn't one of my favourite episodes, but it is the start of something which is a key part of the show.


I like that Lexi drank human blood but from a hospital or blood bank. I wish Stefan would do the same. All the benefits without hurting any humans. Also it’ll be interesting to see the brothers team up more often now


Wow - I feel so different from everyone else, I thought this Episode was really good. It definitely has flaws, but this was an RARE instance where the Good outweighed the Bad. This was a welcomed change of influence from other Characters.


Just wanna leave a short random thank you - love watching this show with you, everything that's happening is so much more fun with you haha :)