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I was confused while watching this and realized after that the father was informing the govt/police about the faceless people, but I thought it was strange that that was his solution/reaction instead of trying to find a way to help the grandmother he just turns on her and his neighbors🤔 I guess fear will do that.

Azmat Mahmood

He was also disgusted by them and didn't know how to react. The coronation was also coming up, so he thought the best thing to do was to try and save face and sweep all of them under the rug.

Lloyd B

I think Rose prompting Tommy to go after his dad is due to her appreciation of the importance of a father figure, no matter how flawed, having lost her father at such a young age and then having the chance to beiefly reconnect with him. And Azmat is right about the father's motives - he's very old fashioned and rigid in his thinking, and everything is about being respected and conforming. For him, the sudden iccurrence of something so disturbing and inexplicable as people losing their faces had to be hidden away so as not to upset the status quo. And I think he felt once they had no face they were not even human anymore. This episode is largely underated, but I think you hit on the themes that others perhaps miss. It is also shot and directed interestingly, with all those Dutch anglez, and very evocative 50s look and feel.

Azmat Mahmood

I do like Rose prompting Tommy to go after his Dad because of what we know about her. However, I don't like how quickly Tommy just accepts and forgives his Dad. His Dad didn't deserve forgiveness. He was a toxic, abusive influence and that isn't excused just because he's Tommy's Dad. A very different situation to Rose's. I think it would've been better if Tommy had refused to forgive his Dad because that would've taught Rose to not paint everybody with a broad brush and that everyone is not the same.

Adam C Turek

I think the Son was not necessarily forgiving him, just trying to be the bigger man while he saw his Dad vulnerable for probably the first time. I liked the fact that The Doctor and Rose tried to blend in for once, something they very rarely do in the show.

Adam C Turek

Also i promise you we don't have swastikas for tv aerials in the UK, just shot at a weird angle

Henry from CO

Fine reaction. I do enjoy a good period piece and the Brits do them well, although this is one of my least favorite episodes of series two. That being said, I am a big fan of the next two episodes and am very, very curious how your reaction will be: “Toby ..... Don't turn around."

Henry from CO

btw, you know you're becoming a whovian when you start singing along with the show's intro tune .... "ooo weee ooo"

Mark Ward

This is in my bottom 3 episodes of Season 2 so I'm amazed you liked it quite this much... But I'm pleased you did, because if you like this one, then you're surely going to love Doctor Who full stop.

Mark Ward

But I did predict that you would love the family story and celebrate when the wife kicked the husband out big time... :D


Yeah I loved that part! I also kind of wished Tommy could’ve joined the Doctor and Rose tho.