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Azmat Mahmood

I forgot you post two parters on the same day! Great, I look forward to watching this one a little later on now!

Lloyd B

Great reaction and post-ep commentary, again! Mickey's arc is one of the things that make these two seasons special. He starts off appearing as though he's a bit of a loser, weak and cowardly, but as you get to know him he reveals considerable depth and strength of character, and becomes the hero of this two parter. And I wouldn't be too harsh on the Doctor in relation to Mickey. If you recall back at tge end of World War Three in season one, the Doctor invited Mickey to join them on the Tardis, but Mickey wasn't ready for that yet. I do think the Doctor could see his strength, but just played and goofed around - maybe taking it too far without thinking about it. As for the Cybermen design, curiously they have evolved gradually over the years since they first appeared in 1966. Whereas the Daleks have kept the same basic "art deco" design style, Cybermen have u dergine design changes, which is odd considering they represent an snd point in evolution. But they have always had the humanoid robotic frame and those handle bar head pieces of one sort or another. I think the reason you find them so terrifying, though, is probably because of their obviously humanoid appearance and origin. And on the Doctor's lack of control of the Tarfis, sometimes he can have very precise control, but also accepts that there are often forces beyond his control that will take him to unexpected places and times. I think he actually enjoys some of tgat randomness and unpredictability. It's why he travels in tge first place.

Lloyd B

By the way, there is a deleted scene, which you can find on Youtube, of Mickey and Jack in the van at the end of the episode where Jake tells Mickey that Rickey was not just his friend but rather his boyfriend/lover. It actually goes some way to explaining Jake's visceral reaction to tbe news of Rickey's death.


I don’t think we need the deleted clip to know that Jake and Rickey were in love. Jake’s reaction to the news of Rickey’s death says it all for me. I like to think that Mickey and Jake got to know each other a little better. As for the shabby treatment Mickey got from the Doctor, yeah, that’s always bothered me too, even though I think it was because when they first met Mickey didn’t show any courage or initiative, and back then it was Mickey who took Rose for granted.


Hmm I don’t see how Mickey took Rose for granted. We saw them having fun in the pilot episode and then she just left him without breaking up with him. Also I didn’t get a sense of Jake and Ricky’s relationship. I just thought Jake really considered Ricky a best friend😂 Also I hate when shows use that same excuse of gay relationships not needing to be shown only implied, but that’s just me.