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TVD 1x14 full.mp4



Damon hasn't killed an innocent character since episode 8. He killed Bree in 1x11 out of revenge and to protect himself from her, so I don't class her as innocent. It is interesting you mentioned their humanity. Vampires are either overly emotional or completely cold. It will be explained in future episodes why that is. Under normal circumstances vampires have heightened emotions, love, hate, anger, remorse, guilt, grief etc... That is why Damon's love for Katherine was borderline obsessive, because he had too much love for her. He focused all of his emotions into loving and rescuing Katherine. Now he's lost everything. There is more to the backstory of Stefan and Damon, it isn't just about Katherine. All will be revealed. For Damon to trust Elena was a huge step in his development. I wouldn't like to know any of the characters on this show personally. As many have said, they are all grey. It is just what shade of grey they are. You haven't met many characters yet, so currently, and rightly so, you see Damon as the darkest. He still isn't particularly likable. Damon is very funny, he has a great sense of humour and can be very witty. He provides a lot of the comic relief in the show. That side of him hasn't been revealed yet, but that is the main reason people love him. Love him or hate him, he's very entertaining.


This scene with the death of Bonnie's grandmother always makes me cry, the actress who plays Bonnie, Kat is excellent in this scene.