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WTSU 1x4 full.mp4


Megan Brady

If you remember back to the first episode, Yusef did actually get Korey to go down to the park with him. He left his girlfriend at that food place and she got annoyed at him for leaving her there while he went off with his friends. So Korey did go the park however, he was not on the list of names of potential suspects that the police came up with originally. The police weren't looking for him but he got swept up in it when they found Yusef who was on the list. He decided to go to the police station with him so that their mums wouldn't get mad at him for abandoning his friend. Also because he was just being a good friend. So he was there but he wasn't on the list of suspects at all until he went with Yusef to the police station.

Megan Brady

That's also why Korey didn't have/couldn't use the alibi of being with his girlfriend at the time, because he wasn't. I don't know at what point but presumably sometime well into Korey's time in prison, his former girlfriend actually died. I don't know how but in the When They See Us Now interview they mentioned it briefly. So he never saw her again after that night when he left her to go to the park with his friend.


Oh wow! So much happened I couldn’t remember. So it was a “What if” “If only” dream. And omg she died? Sad 😞

Megan Brady

Exactly, he was imagining what that night might've looked like if he had just stayed. And yeah it's so sad