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I’m not your fucking mummy!!!🤪




Mark Ward

Oh it happened... From National Geographic: The German Luftwaffe dropped thousands of bombs on London from 1939 to 1945, killing almost 30,000 people. More than 70,000 buildings were completely demolished, and another 1.7 million were damaged. That's one of the many reasons there was a huge influx of immigrants to the UK from the late 1940s as people from the Caribbean came over to help rebuild the city - the whole of the East of London was destroyed effectively.

Mark Ward

'Who fucking wrote this'? Probably the most popular writer Doctor Who has had in the modern era: Stephen Moffatt. Look out for his name in future episodes!

Hazel Angus

Content note: Politics alert, read at your own risk! Yup. The British Government at the time specifically requested people to come over from Jamaica, which was one of our (British) colonies then. They provided us a great deal of help, very much needed at the time. Of course, we hate them now because we've decided that immigrants are evil. They have been actively discriminated against and threatened with deportation by the department headed by the nice lady who became our Prime Minister, Theresa May. [/sarcasm]

Hazel Angus

Content WARNING: Political stuff, again... Re: The war - absolutely. We (British) went into it right at the beinning. 1st September 1939, which was the start of the war. We declared war on Germany a couple of days after Hitler invaded Poland. But Hitler was around and in power years before that and we in Europe allowed him to get away with many things that we shouldn't have. Like we let him have bits of Czechoslovakia, because he threatened war if he didn't get his way. We had no right to do this btw, it wasn't ours to give, but we forced Czechoslovakia to give up part of its land. At that point, Hitler said that this was really really the last territory he wanted, honest. And then he took the rest of Czechoslovakia anyway, plus a bit of Hungary. He'd just made a treaty with us that involved NOT doing that, but Hitler was not a man who stuck with treaties he'd signed if he didn't want to, and he could change his mind very quickly. He defied all the peace treaties signed after WW1. The US came in in 1941, after they were directly attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Habour. Before then they had been quite hands off, although they did help us by selling us stuff and also lending money and requipment. We finished paying off our debt to the US in 2006. Hitler was a demanding, paranoid manchild with delusions of grandeur, demanded that other countries should belong to Germany and aimed to make Germany great again (after the First World War Germany had lost a lot), and I wish that was an exaggeration. He was a very charismatic leader. There's a very good reason why people compare Trump to him and why Europeans are pretty freaked out just now. Very similar in character and WW2 is often taught in schools here. Check out the Nuremburg rallies. It's a good thing that in this modern time, I don't think such a thing could happen any more. Leastways I hope not. But Trump wants to pull out the United Nations, and other treaties that have helped keep peace in the world. Also very charismatic, also controls the media by calling things he doesn't like "Fake News". And I wouldn't be surprised if we in the UK appease and placate him again, just as we did with Hitler.


Well Hitler and Trump have something else in common as well. Malignant narcissism. Basically both are/were psychopaths whose narcissism overshadows the psychopathy. No conscience. You can see it in Trump, his inability to empathize, no compassion, no remorse, easily lashes out at the slightest criticism, lives to feed his ego and gain more power and literally lives for nothing else. They estimate about one percent of the population fully lacks a conscience, but just one of them can do a lot of damage because they aren't capable of the normal fears humans have so they can seem very bold, brave, innovative, moving up the ranks in companies to positions of power because they're willing to do outrageous things that normal people aren't willing or able to do. They see other humans the way we see an object or a small child might see an insect, something to poke at, play with, use, throw away/kill without a thought to it. Terrifying that we have no cure for it. Yet anyway.