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The 100 4x12 “The Chosen” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 4
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 2
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 0
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2024-06-23
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'The 100 4x12 “The Chosen” FULL REACTION', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 23, 4, 47, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/rgtf47

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vs6pyGvEnR0OL9nN0EXG2qrxr-amt9M6/view?usp=drivesdk



I agree, I love The 100 for the impossible decisions they have to deal with and the very human element of it, where no one is all bad or all good, just a lot of realism in terms of characterisation. I think Octavia's arc is very interesting because back when she left Arkadia and went off with Illian, she was prepared to die when the death wave hit, and as she left she made the decision that she wasn't part of SkyKru, she didn't feel like she belonged with her people so she left. Then obviously in the meantime she realised she doesn't want to just lay low and die for nothing, so decided to go join the war, but I don't think she knew exactly on whose side, I think she just knew she wanted to do something, to die a warrior's death. So when Skikru needed her she stepped up. But also, before Rowan came along and exposed Clarke for being a night blood, the initial plan was to share the bunker anyway, although I think back then it was only between Ice Nation and Skikru (honestly can't even remember, there were so many deals and back and forths on who will share with who). So when Rowan exposed the Nightblood scheme and Nightblood became irrelevant, it once again was decided it's every clan for itself and they'll have a good old fashioned Conclave to decide on the Commander. But once Octavia won and became Commander, she took that to mean Commander of everyone, not just Skikru,who were never really her people. Her decision to give every clan a fair chance isn't necessarily more bad or good than it would've been to take the bunker just for Skikru or just for Azgeda and let everyone else die, it's just that she decided her loyalty isn't with Skikru, but with everyone. So then in this episode, she obviously didn't want to end up killing Skikru, but at the same time, all the other clans see her as Commander, who promised them all something and who, as a fair leader, who would need to keep that promise. She could go back on it and decide to just save Skikru, or she could keep the promise and save as many of every clan as possible, at the expense of Skikru. Neither decision is perfect but neither is evil either, but it also shows her inner conflict on a much larger scale. Ultimately, I guess her decision is save everyone (or well, treat every clan equally), or only save Skikru, but she was never fully part of either side, so I think the role of Commander really embodies that, she is between worlds and belongs to neither, yet to both at the same time, and maybe now she has a chance to do something with that. But she was also not really a leader before and constantly judged Clarke for the tough decisions she had to make so it's interesting to now see what part of Octavia this will bring out. She can't be angsty and bratty anymore, there's too many people depending on her.


Such a good episode! Love this show, takes so many different turns you wouldn’t expect it keeps you involved and interested. Can’t wait for the next episode 😊