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I've been watching some drawfee streams and it's been nice watching other people's process; I kinda followed the principles of one video where she experimented a lot and just made something. Just trying some things. I don't know if I like this piece, it looks weird to me, but I like that I tried it :)

All physical rewards are in the mail as of last week!! I'm checking the return box once a week and have only gotten 3 back so far, so hopefully everyone should have them soon! Thanks to those who sent me notes and shared pics, I love seeing that they made it!

Silence of the RAMs is at 109 pages thumbnailed and I still have the major ending arc to do; I never meant to take so much extra time with it, but I'm glad I am, since I've had time to change a lot of little things that were bothering me but I hadn't had time to solve. I hope the end story will be stronger :)

My horror comic is full back burner. I can't do any of the stuff I wanted to do with it with Patreon's new weird ass rules. I don't really know how to approach it at all. Like how do you do erotic body horror when they have these weird rules around violence and consent? This is stuff that's in published work and I'm not allowed to make it? The fuck? I'm going to tackle it again when RAMS is rolling, but man, I really don't know. I just wanna sit in my corner and make stuff and not bother anybody, why did things get this bad.

ANYWAY! Thank you for reading my little update and for hanging in there with me!!




I also make NSFW artworks on Patreon and I'm in the same boat as you. But in regard of the weird consent document that we have to receive and sign, the captain of the NSFW Queer Creators from Patreon informed me and others in his Discord server that document is specifically for performers/people who do erotic photography/erotic creations with real people. So creators like us who make visual art are fine, because our work doesn't involve real people. It isn't about us, thankfully. If it weren't for his explanation, I would have stopped creating entirely and would have stayed fearful. But it doesn't change that the new rules suck, especially for visual artists and I don't blame you for the way you're feeling. Sorry for the wall of text, I wanted to sympathize and share what I've learned from the server. Hope it helps! I love your work and I hate what the platform is doing right now.

Isobel Starling

It's so frustrating that real artists are having to jump through hoops yet AI bros are getting away with wholesale theft of art and generation of celebrity likenesses without reproach. I'm going to keep writing/making the art I want to make and to hell with rules. AI harvesting has made me super careful about when and where I share work. We can't let transient site rules affect our output. Keep following your muse. 💪😉


I received my rewards package as well! Thank you again for sending out your extras to the people who missed the initial post. I loved the stickers I received, they were perfect ☺️