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Hello everyone.

The time has come, say hello to our updated Resident Evil parody that comes with some surprises and tons of new info.

Let's begin:

New Name - Updated Logo

Yeah! We've decided to change the name for the project so from now on the game wil be named: Bioasshard.

And the logo has been updated with the new name (and also adds a little text to clarify that this is a xxx parody). Here's the upated logo:

Bioasshard Logo

The Change

But as you may suppose all the delays and lack of information about the game isn't because of the name change and the new logo.

Here comes the biggest change, look at the image comparison below...


Notice the difference?

And we're not talking about the scene that obviously isn't the same in the 2 images.

The 1st image corresponds to the previous version and is composed of pre-rendered 3D sprites and background running on Game Maker.

The 2nd one is the actual game, completely on 3D running on Unreal Engine 4. Yeah, you read it right, Unreal Engine 4.


And that's the reason for all the lack of information for the game.

A brief explanation about the project

The idea for the project comes after the completion of the Jill's 3D model, some time ago. We wanted to use it in some kind of game and after some ideas and tests we began a game on Game Maker. The one that we showed some time ago.

Jill 3D model preview

The game was looking really cool running on the engine but the problems started really soon.

The problems were related to time consumption (for sprite creation on things like bullet ejection and that kind of stuff) and the memory performance due the use of tons of animated sprites.


After that we began to make some research on the possibilities that we had to fix those problems for the game and then the posibility to porting it to 3D arised.

Meguido has been using UE4 for around a year so we decided that the best option was to port it to Unreal instead of learning any other game engine.


That's how we started on Unreal Engine 4. And because we're on 3D now, we decided to take inspiration from our favourite modern Resident Evil: Resident Evil 5, but with 'zombies' and some elements from the classic RE games.



The story of the game begins some months after the end of RE5: December - 1 - 2009. (RE6 doesn't even occurred yet, sorry to Helena lovers :( )

For the Helena lovers

Without knowing 'how' or 'why', Jill wakes up in an abandoned prison in the middle of an unknown island crawled with a new type of BOW with an umprecedent libido.


Meanwhile, some shadows from the past claims for revenge.

The story is divided in 24 Missions.

Are you ready to survive in this new kind of hell?

Status Report

OK, time to speak about the status of the project.

As we informed some time ago the scenario and the story timeline are finished but this isn´t the only thing that has been done.


The debug map is almost completed.


Basic character movement implemented.


Aiming system implemented.

Shot // Shot // Shot

Shooting system implemented.

Shot // Shot

Inventory system finished.

Shot // Shot // Shot // Shot // Shot // Shot // Shot // Shot

Interaction system partially implemented.

Shot // Shot // Shot

Weapon system partially implemented.


HUD system finished.


Item system partially implemented.


Pause menu partially implemented.

Shot // Shot

And that's all for now , we hope you like it.

Expect some videos of the game in movement really soon.

Regards <3