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Hello everyone!

While working on the new stuff for this new release (we can’t show anything just yet about it, sorry). I realized I could have made the engine update public for those of you who experienced those Fatal Errors, to see if this fixed them.

The truth is that I completely forgot about that possibility at first, but then I found some things that made it a good decision, mainly to avoid people reporting unnecessary/untested stuff, like this one. I guess many of you saw in the changelog for the latest release, that we had finally a definitive Julia skin material, well, looks like in this new engine version, things have changed a bit. As you can see in the image below, the material is looking really weird in some levels.

Because yeah, it’s not on all levels just on some of them, which makes it a bit harder to track the cause down.

So, that along with some minor ‘errors’ I found later (that I didn’t find during that quick test after building it) and also, the fact that I did early changes in code for the new mechanics before realizing that I didn’t make that build public (and that because of free space, I deleted that build as soon as I tested it) are the reasons why we can’t make a release right know just to test if those fatal errors are gone. I’m really sorry about that ☹

Before finishing I want to mention that recently (specifically with this latest release, I don’t know why) we’ve been receiving a lot of reports from people that can’t download it from Mega. The link is working fine. If you’re having troubles downloading it, please try using a download manager, like J-Downloader 2. I’ve never had a problem downloading mega links with that (and it’s free!).

Also noticed that this may be confusing for new people, that after reading the post mentioning the changes for the Fantasy Cards, you may think this is how they’re working for the latest release, but it’s not. All the changes mentioned in there are to be implemented on 0.6.X onward. The current version, works like it always had, with the cards being in the post for the cards and nowhere else.

And this is going to be it.

See ya in the next report!

Much love <3 everyone!



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