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Hello everyone!

Time for another “status update

Still on the step 3, but pretty advanced now:

1 Unify all the code into a single class

2 Make them enemies to work as they should again

3 Improve and modularize the code <- (This is where I am right now)

4 Expand the code and go for the first Boss

So yeah, finally the grappling and receiving damage process are finally done that were the more complex ones in terms of code. I was just expanding the code (yeah, that’s part of step 4, but I still counted it as step 3 because it was for the Big Guy) and then found an Unreal Engine bug with expanding animations’ duration. So, this bug has forced me to stop working on the code and getting back to animations, because now I have to expand the animations’ duration directly in a DCC. And they are quite a few animations that need to be extended.

Basically this, plus the necessity of more animations because, well, this…:

Are the main reasons I’m still on the step 3. Hopefully not for too long anymore.

This is it for this status update.

Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3 See ya in the next report.




3/4 is not bad at all I can’t wait to see the boss and .... the scenes