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Update: Fixed a bug that prevented the unlocking of Secret Outfit 1 to Standard, Pigeon and Crocodile users. If you aren't on one of those tiers, then you don't need to download it again.

Hello everyone!

We’re finally here with the 2nd Revision of the version 0.3.198 after more than a few days and tons of freezes and restarts lol.

With all the (background) code I ended up having to add, this should have added a few numbers to that “198” but anyway we’ll left it as a “Revision”.

So, for some of the reported bugs, we couldn’t recreate them in our end but just in case added more checks to avoid getting on that “state of bug”. This includes:

· Pressing repeatedly the reload button will make Julia get stuck in reload animation loop

· An enemy grabbing Julia while she is executing a CQC move causes a soft lock

· Getting a keyitem left the UI for it visible forever preventing Julia to be able to interact with anything else

· Sometimes Julia gets soft locked on knife aiming animation

And lots of other reported (or found by me) bugs were fixed, including:

· Graphics settings won’t save

· Julia’s ass has weird physics

· It’s pretty hard to interact with the manhole on Mission 2

· Using the “Restart Mission” option send you back to Title Screen

· Because of the previous one, this one was unnoticeable but; restarting the mission 3 or 4 would leave you with an empty inventory

· Character look resets to default after Mission 1

· Some unlockables can’t be unlocked

· VXS emblems don’t appear on Mission 4 during even repetitions (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.)

· Jumping too soon (like just when the jump option appears on screen) causes Julia to get stuck right after doing the jump

· Jumping down where the ladder is on Mission 4 causes Julia to get stuck mid-air forcing a restart

· Destructible meshes on Mission 4 are invisible

· On Mission 3, the trapped enemies aren’t appearing where they should

· Julia gets stuck on some places (this we only were able to fix the ones with screenshots provided)

But, not only fixes we added for this Revision. We also added some new stuff and modifications, like:

· Bloom and dirt fx reduced a bit on the Mansion

· A very first implementation of a flashlight (take a look at the control txt file to see how you can turn it on and off)

· Made some color and lighting modifications to Mission 4 to make it easier to learn the pathway

· Added some “signs” to Mission 4 as well for the same reason as the above

· Created LODs for all the meshes used on Mission 4 (yeah, they had 0 optimization… this is what can happen when buying assets)

Ok, now a very important part. Make sure you read it because we won’t be answering anything related to this (basically because we’re going to explain this here, not because we’re such bad persons xDD):

In order to fix the problem with character look not loading properly for missions other than the 1st one and the unlockables not properly unlocking, I had to change a LOT of background code, and this caused something important: If you download this new Revision, and start playing right on Mission 2, 3 or 4, you’ll find that your inventory is empty BUT you’ll find some items like the handgun, some ammo and some healing item close to your spawn position.

If you start playing Mission 1 again, then your inventory will be properly saved and those items won’t appear on the next mission. Those items were added so you don’t have to replay Mission 1 if you want to play Mission 2 and the same for Mission 2 if you want to play Mission 3 (and you guessed right, the same for Mission 3 if you want to play Mission 4)

So now, with this said, you can go here to get your download link.

We hope you enjoy this Revision and now there’s finally the time to have some relax after so many stressing days ^^’

This time, even with the freezes and restarts I’ve been able to somehow test it a lot more and I’ve been able to unlock everything so everything IS unlockable for EVERYONE. And soon the video-walkthrough will be updated with Mission 3 and 4 gameplays.

Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3

See ya in the next report.

 Any Question? Check this post! => General Info - MUST READ  




Hi!Buddy.What is exactly “Complete 2 Missions with Life at Max” means?I have completed Mission 3+4 without get any damage.And I have completed Mission 3 twice without get any damage too.But it won’t work!I still can’t unlock secret outfit 1.Can you tell me how do you unlock it?


Okay, so I've destroyed 20 of those VXS emblems but the REmake outfit still didn't unlock. I notice that there are more than 20 in Mission 4 that you can shoot, so I've actually destroyed around 24 or 25 before finishing the mission. Is this another bug?


Hey, have you input your FOX card code or are you playing standard 'mode'? If you're playing in standard you need to destroy 45 emblems.


Hello, we've been investigating it and looks like it's a bug (affecting standard, Pigeon and Crocodiles). Sorry for the inconveniences.


Could you make it an option that the Healing Plants just reset the Belly Size and not the rest of the Body? I would like to run around with an even curvier Jill! Maybe inplement a system that makes Jill slower the more she grows but tankier at the same time? I know, its far fetched...you Guys have other Plans for now. But it would spice up the Game i think. Ad a new level of dificulty. Maybe the just-the-belly-resets-thing could be a purely cosmetic thing for now, unlockable with a Card?


Definitely have my FOX Fantasy Card activated. When the new revised version came out on the 24th I downloaded it and tried inputting my FOX card just to be sure. The game said I had already used the code, so it's definitely recognized me as FOX tier.


Hello? I did the same things for many times.But I still can’t unlock Secret Outfit 1.So I think this bug still not be fixed.


And looks like there have new bugs,like I already unlocked Re3 Outfit,but On mission 4 still have VXS emblems and those big zombies.Before I downloaded new version those big guys and VXS emblems shouldn’t be ReSpawn on mission 4 when i already unlocked Re3 Outfit.


We have nothing planned for this right now. It's a lot of work to make the clothes to adapt to a new body shape...


Weird... we've tested it and revised the code and all is OK. I think we will need further investigation.


You mean even on the lastest version? Have you input your Crocodile Fantasy card? We've tested it and can be unlocked. Be sure to recover your life before finishing the missions. As for the emblems reappearing that's the normal behavior. They will appear on the 2nd, 4th, 6th,... and so on times you play the mission.


I’m very sure that I always keep my life at max,and i do not get any damage from those zombies.And I don’t want to try it again.It takes too much time. I have tested it on the lastest version. I’m very sure that I used my Fantasy Card.Because i already unlocked 8 unlockables. I just can’t unlock Secret Outfit 1. Emblems not a problem now,But I still can unlock Secret Outfit 1 for no reason.


But the System is partially there, right? Correct me if im wrong, but dont you just have to get rid of the Belly-Morph?


We've been checking the code and all it's alright. Maybe in the next release we'll add another way to unlock it. Sorry for the inconveniences.


Is not that easy because is only one morph that modifies the entire body shape not separate ones. also it would requiere new programming and as I mentioned early fixing all the clothes... too much stuff...


Okay, so I've figured it out. The download link here in this post lets users download the EAGLE version of the game. I don't know why it would be that tier for me when I am a FOX patron, so... I guess I have to download again from a different post regarding FOX patrons? EDIT: I'm an idiot . I kept using a FOX Fantasy Card from the previous release that had only two missions. Finally unlocked REmake outfit and hair just now. Never mind , you guys have done good!


Hello, I am your loyal fan, I am from China, how can I unlock all the costume modeling and plot content, and save the game,


Hi! You can find the requirements for the unlockable content on the release post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bioasshard-arena-39069386 Also for now there is no plot the story will start after we finish the Arena. And there is no save system implemented yet. Regards

Dan We

Lowlevelfatalerror I cant open Please help me


I just downloaded this and I can't enter my eagle code for customization. Just gave me either error or wrong code. All the rest work but just not that one. Also, is their any walkthrough for this?


Hi, 1- Download the latest version that is Rev.3 NOT the one linked on this post. 2- Read this section of the FAQ: https://vxswsfbmegafaq.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-fantasy-card-system-faq.html You'll find info about the common mistakes with the cards there. 3- A video-walkthrough is linked on the same post where the cards are. Hope this helps, regards.


Thanks for the help. Customization is still locked for me and I finished the first mission. Help?


This is weird, if you're using the Hound Fantasy card you must have unlocked: Change name, edit hair (with Classic Hair Type 3, Hair Type C ), change clothes (for clothes you'll need to accomplish some requirements) All requirements are listed on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bioasshard-arena-39068896