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-EDIT: Ignore the play button up there because as expected, Patreon fuck everything up, so to see the video, click here

Hey everyone,

Meguido here.

I finally managed to make a bit of recording without loosing too (TOO) much of quality. I made that short video pretty quick yesterday. I wanted to publish it on Saturday but was unable to do it due to some important tasks I had to do on the project.

I'll get a proper Meguido's Report up soon talking about the latest development aswell as some Chains of Destiny info (I guess).

Things you may have noticed on the video:

There's no hair, boobs, balls... simulation active for the majority of those anims yet. That's because I have to take a deep look at the collisions. For now there's just some (fairly) bad keyframed animations for them.

The blurred stuff is just debugging info for me, so just don't pay attention to that :P

Something happening at the end of the video, but this is stuff pertaining to unannounced features xD.

Well and that's that. Time to get back to work.

And because it's that time of the year, there you have it:

-Happy holidays

See ya!





I honestly curious what a game like this may be like if there was a No Game Over mode (aka Pure Porn Mode) where defeat only has the character moved to a room where they assume they are captured for the rape events and this mode have a Porn ending exclusive to this mode for players who play the game for the more Porn Game experience that is based on if they have been Captured a certain amount of times or not due to the "Virus" influence on maybe Impregnating the Character or Characters. Of course not being Captured once results in the normal endings play get in the Normal Mode that has Game Over.