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This is Part 1 of a Curse of Strahd released, which features the northern section of Vallaki to be used with the other sections already completed.

Part 2 of this Curse of Strahd release is the Wachterhaus Mansion, but I'm including the files for both locations in the same download to save you time and effort. There will be a second post for the Mansion, but the links will all point toward the same consolidated folder.

For those unfamiliar, Vallaki is a small village in Barovia, under constant plague by wolves and other minions under the sway of Count Strahd. If you are not running the module, then this location would serve as a great village for a Ravenloft setting, Vampire campaign or other similarly-themed setting.

Vallaki North includes the northern gates of the village, several homes and, most importantly, the Wachterhaus Mansion, which includes the 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, Cellar and Rooftop.

I've also included a separate battle map just for the Wachterhaus Mansion for those of you not planning to use the larger village maps for that encounter, or who want something a bit more drilled-in and smaller for ease of use.

I hope you enjoy the setting and the maps and can make some great stories!



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