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Hey guys!

I am happy to report that the latest round of Portraits & Tokens are almost completed and should be in hand within a day or two, but I thought you might like a preview of how they came out.

As a reminder, this was your vote for the latest round of Portraits/Tokens, which was Mercenaries & Adventurers. In further discussion, it seemed like people were leaning toward some of the more rare race combinations, while you voted on the classes you would most like to see represented.

So, moving from top left to bottom right, we have:

1. Gnome Warlock

2. Elven Druid

3. Half-Elven Ranger

4. Dwarven Rogue

5. Halfling Cleric

6. Tiefling Paladin

7. Tiefling Artificer

8. Dragonborn Wizard/Sorcerer

As soon as I receive the completed files, I will get them set up as tokens and make a post where you can download them for use in your games!

NOTE: These images are copyright HIIDRA Studios and for your own personal use at your gaming tables only, not to be redistributed, sold or used otherwise.

Let me know what you think in the comments!


Jeff @ Morvold



Dan Gragert

These look fantastic!