Restored Redbrand Hideout Requests? (Patreon)
I've had several people mention wanting a restored Redbrand Hideout in the past, and I'd like to go ahead and make that, so I'm opening up suggestions for what you would like to see fill the space(s) below the old Tresendar Manor.
A couple of questions from me:
1. Do we want to make it self-sufficient, meaning that it would stand on its own whether the Tresendar Manor was restored or not?
2. Do we want the cave to remain, but potentially be repaired (chasm filled in, etc...) or do we want to assume that they finish building real walls and floors over/around it, so it just becomes part of the finished structure?
3. What purposes would you like to see for the various rooms, if any? (i.e. should the jail/prison stay a prison, crypt stay a crypt, etc...)
Let me know!
Jeff @ Morvold