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Hello-hello, people, crabs here!

As always, it’s time for a regular update about the Innocent Witches development, with the main focus on the version 0.10A, which is coming out soon. Let’s go!

First of all, let’s look at today’s preview. We mentioned several times that one of the aspects of the game that will be enhanced in version 0.10B is the selection of clothes for the main girls available in the in-game stores (no MTX tho, don’t worry :D). One of the things that will be available is the sexy underwear that Marcus, one way or another, will be able to see on the prefects. As an example, the art in the following post shows Daphne from her back wearing such a sexy underwear set. Oof, it’s getting hot here!

And now, back to the most important stuff. Here’s the current status of each major part of the development:

  • Art. The art has been finished and at the moment the artists are adjusting and correcting small details, which are getting identified during the content insertion phase. This includes such things like a missing character shadow, slightly incorrect shape of an item or additional details for a location. This way we’re able to fix everything in a timely manner and immediately insert the corrected version into the game, without waiting for the next iteration.
  • Texts. The texts are also finished and are, for the most part, ready for insertion. There are some texts that are not yet edited, mainly for the side events, but since it’s a smaller part of the whole bulk of texts, we’re planning to do the editing in parallel with the content insertion, and when this task is done, we will just replace the text placeholders with the actual text.
  • Code. This is our main focus at the moment, as all the small and big elements, such as art, texts, sounds and so on, need to be correctly put together and tested. This includes writing logic, interaction on locations, inserting new art so that it can be used for in-game events, adding and testing the flow of the quests, and so forth. In addition, we’re finalizing the community translation support in code to make the whole thing more mainstreamed and less clunky.

Overall progress at the moment is about 35% if we assume the starting point was 10 days ago. The hardest part when it comes to logic and code has been finished though, which is the original structure and entry / exit points to and from the updated chapter. The most critical parts are always at the starting point of chapter, where all the flags and checks are getting initialized, and the overall foundation for the whole chapter is established, and the exit point, which should clean up all the unnecessary stuff from the current playthrough and prepare everything to the transition to the next chapter. Since this part is done, we’re filling in the meat of the chapter, including events, scenes, locations and all the logic that is used in them.

As the time comes closer to the end of the month, we will hasten up and spend all the available time to make the release happen before October. We understand that the current version’s development dragged on for a longer period of time than expected and we will not make excuses for this, as it doesn’t bring anything useful to you, the player, besides our apologies. Instead, we will focus on the development and work harder in order to make everything in-time.

We also wanted you to know that while the release itself takes so much time, our artists and other members of the team are not sitting on their butts without any work. For example, while we had delays with the previous update, the artists worked on the entrances to faculties, which were not strictly planned for this patch. However, due to the time they used on this we’re able to add four additional locations with minions on them, which perfectly fit the game, on top of the planned content. So buckle up, boys and girls, the release is coming, sooner or later!

Besides that, the work on the version 0.10B has already started. At the moment, as most of the team is working on 0.10A, it only involves our game designer and the scenarist, who are experimenting with the outline of the existing chapter 5. Their main goal is to incorporate the current main quest, which revolves around Helena’s diadem, into the updated story, which will also include the diadem, but only as a part of the bigger events. Apart from this, the planning is also focused on the existing content from the old plot, which has not yet been added to the new plot. This includes major events from act 1 and 2, such as the Book of Runes scene with Hermione and Luna’s bedroom scene. These scenes will be spread mainly across chapter 5, with some making their way into chapter 4 and act 2. We will not rush the erotic development though and the pacing overall should be pretty stable, without sudden jumps to complete and unjustified nakedness.

To wrap this news post up, we will finish with a voting round. This time the choice will be the hardest… And it might influence a certain event in 0.10B, so choose carefully!

With that we’re ending this news post. Thank you for sticking around and supporting the development, we really appreciate it, especially such turbulent times as the ones we live in. But no matter, the development will continue despite everything the tides of time throw at us.

Take care and stay safe!

Peace 🕊


Team Sadcrab.

Привет-привет, народ, крабы на связи!

Как всегда, пришло время для регулярной новости о развитии "Невинных ведьм", с основным фокусом на версии 0.10A, которая выходит в ближайшее время. Поехали!

Прежде всего, пару слов о сегодняшнее арт-превью. Мы уже несколько раз упоминали, что одним из аспектов игры, который будет улучшен в версии 0.10B, является выбор одежды для главных девушек, доступный во внутриигровых магазинах (никаких микротранзакций, не волнуйтесь :D). Одной из доступных вещей станет сексуальное нижнее белье, которое Маркус, тем или иным способом, сможет увидеть на старостах. В качестве примера, арт-превью в следующем посте демонстрирует Дафну со спины, одетую в такой сексуальный комплект нижнего белья. Уф, здесь становится жарко!

А теперь вернемся к самому главному. Вот текущий статус каждой основной части разработки:

  • Арт. Арт уже готов, и в данный момент художники корректируют и исправляют мелкие детали, которые выявляются на этапе вставки контента. Сюда входят такие вещи, как недостающая тень персонажа, немного неправильная форма предмета или дополнительные детали для локации. Таким образом, мы можем своевременно все исправлять и сразу же вставлять исправленную версию арта в игру, не дожидаясь следующей итерации.
  • Тексты. Тексты также закончены и, по большей части, готовы к вставке. Есть некоторые тексты, которые еще не отредактированы, в основном для побочных событий, но поскольку это меньшая часть всего объема текстов, мы планируем редактировать их параллельно со вставкой контента, и когда эта задача будет выполнена, мы просто заменим текстовые заглушки на реальный текст.
  • Код. На данный момент это наш основной фокус, поскольку все мелкие и крупные элементы, такие как арт, тексты, звуки и так далее, должны быть правильно собраны вместе и протестированы. Сюда входит написание логики, взаимодействие на локациях, вставка новых артов, чтобы их можно было использовать для внутриигровых событий, добавление и тестирование потока квестов и так далее. Кроме того, мы дорабатываем поддержку перевода сообщества в коде, чтобы сделать эту часть более простой и менее громоздкой.

Общий прогресс на данный момент составляет около 35%, если взять за нулевую точку отсчета то, что было 10 дней назад. Самая сложная часть, когда дело доходит до логики и кода, уже закончена - это основная структура главы и точки входа/выхода в обновленную главу и обратно. Самые критические части всегда находятся в начальной точке главы, где инициализируются все флаги и проверки, и создается общая основа для всех последующих событий, и в точке выхода, которая должна убрать все ненужные вещи из текущего прохождения игры и подготовить все для перехода к следующей главе. Поскольку эта часть закончена, мы сейчас заполняем центральный промежуток главы, включая события, сцены, локации и всю логику, которая в них используется.

По мере приближения к концу месяца мы начинаем торопиться и тратить все доступное время, чтобы релиз состоялся до октября. Мы понимаем, что разработка текущей версии затянулась на более длительный срок, чем ожидалось, и не будем оправдываться за это, поскольку это не принесет вам, игрокам, ничего полезного, кроме наших извинений. Вместо этого мы сосредоточимся на разработке и будем работать еще усерднее, чтобы сделать все вовремя.

Мы также хотели, чтобы вы знали, что, хотя сам релиз занимает так много времени, наши художники и другие члены команды не сидят без дела. Например, пока у нас были задержки с предыдущим обновлением, художники работали над входами на факультеты, которые не были изначально запланированы для этого патча. Однако благодаря времени, которое они потратили на это, мы смогли добавить четыре дополнительные локации с миньонами на них, которые отлично вписываются в игру, в дополнение к запланированному контенту. Так что пристегнитесь, мальчики и девочки, релиз скоро произойдет (рано или поздно)!

Кроме того, уже началась работа над версией 0.10B. На данный момент, поскольку большая часть команды работает над 0.10A, в ней участвуют только наш геймдизайнер и сценарист, которые экспериментируют с набросками существующей главы 5. Их главная цель - включить текущий основной квест, который вращается вокруг диадемы Елены, в обновленный сюжет, который также будет включать диадему, но только как часть других событий. Помимо этого, в планах также есть работа с имеющимся побочным контентом из старого сюжета, который еще не был добавлен в новый. Сюда входят основные сцены и события из первого и второго актов, такие как сцена с Книгой Рун и Гермионой и сцена Полумны в спальне. Эти сцены будут распределены в основном по главе 5, а некоторые попадут в главу 4 и второй акт. Однако мы не будем торопить эротическое развитие, и в целом темп должен быть довольно стабильным, без резких переходов к полной и неоправданной обнаженке.

А завершим мы этот новостной пост голосованием. На этот раз выбор будет самым сложным... И он может повлиять на определенное событие в 0.10B, так что выбирайте внимательно!

  • Гриффиндор
  • Когтевран
  • Слизерин
  • Пуффендуй

На этом мы заканчиваем этот выпуск новостей. Спасибо, что остаетесь с нами и поддерживаете разработку, мы очень ценим это, особенно в такие неспокойные времена, как те, в которые мы сейчас живем. Но, независимо от этого, разработка будет продолжаться, несмотря на все, что бросает в нас судьба.

Берегите себя!

Всем мир 🕊


Грустные крабы.



Make every choice 25%! (Because fun) Or not...


Just my 2 cents. I think the main 4 need some more development Daphne - She is the closest to being developed, she wants markus from the start but also needs to make sure he desires her. Some plays here to ensure markus is fully "hers" through side quests and main. Things like when she is changing / checking her underwear in her mini game and marcus spy's on her, have her catch him peeking, and slyly make comments like "do you like what you see?" or other provocative statements that make marcus know she wants him but he has to earn her. Eventually she knows she has him and acts on it. I just feel that she needs to be more "provocative" and less reserve in her desires of marcus. A possible thing is to have her have flings with others where she knows that marcus will catch her mid encounter (at first kissing, then groping, then fondling, eventually leading to her about to have sex and marcus must make the decision to stop her and desire her himself of let her go and ler her have sex with someone else) Hermione - She needs to start where she wants to be taken seriously for her brains not her body and marcus needs to teach her that her body is also something that needs to be appreciated. Slowly working her to appreciate her body just as much as she values her intelligence. Turning her from a prude to a nympho. Some things that could do this is having her research self pleasure, assigning her exhibitionist activities and report back in detail the reactions of the people she exposed herself too. Some simple things to start would be spreading her legs showing off her panties to a boy (or girl) while sitting at a table in the library, working up to walking out of the girls bathroom with her blouse open and no bra, or sitting on a banister at the top of a staircase with a short skirt and no panties so people walking up the stairs get a nice view. Eventually falling in love with the exhibitionist lifestyle, and even finding she likes to voyeur things as well. Her sex drive goes into overdrive when she sees others or others see her, eventually desiring to have sex or watch sex in open areas. I just feel right now she never comes out of her shell she still needs more lewdness. Luna - Luna seems to be an airhead with lusts for anyone who shows her attention. She dreams about marcus then invites him into her dreams and eventually acts on them. I think some more misadventures in her dreams might be in order with others who have shown some small attentive gestures ( marcus enters a dream where she is mutually masterbating with dean thomas for example). Marcus must show her that acting on the impulses from her dreams can be a wonderful outlet of her pent up sexual frustration. Turning luna into the schools whore. Where others enter her dreams frequently just fantasizing about getting with her, and sometimes she acts on them in the waking world Susan - she is the one that needs the most work. She has no real development right now. She basically is ashamed of her body and as such thinks that she is undeserving of a boy, so she has adopted a boys are bad attitude. The changes I have in mind are, her food lessons can show that food can be used in more ways than just eating, that if she decorates herself like she does her sweets she can learn that her body is just as delectable as the treats she likes to make. Eventually marcus can get her to start having food parties that get more and more lewd and attended by more and more boys culminating in a huge food gangbang where she is the main course. She finds that her love of food can fuel a huge sexual appetite as well, where the more she gets the more she wants. Her submissive story could play into this as well, where she is tied up inside the food to be used by the first person to get to her. Some other characters and their "developments" that I would like to see added/changed The patil sisters, I think a battle between them for marcus's attention and one upping each other once marcus has the first encounter with one, could lead to several new things. Cho Chung - She has a huge crush on a certain boy and marcus must find a way for her to get what she wants, Polymorph potion where marcus becomes her to seduce the boy for their first encounter (dark path) or love potion (light path) Oliver Wood(y) - has a horrible time with women and marcus has to find a way for him to overcome his commanding personality to let women see his softer side so he can get laid. The imperius curse to get him to settle down (dark path) or lessons with hagrid (light path) not the greatest light path maybe someone has some other suggestions Pansy Parkenson - She loves pain, wants it, NEEDS IT. Marcus can start with spanks, then into paddles, and whips from the store, finally either cruciatius curse (dark path) or let filch find a way (light path) Nola - You got to see her at the start then confront her to get out of the study... lets expand a little more where she keeps trying to one up marcus but marcus keeps putting her back in her place and every time its a little more involved, at first its words, then touches, then carresses, then groping... each time she submits only because she was in the wrong, a domineering woman getting dominated (or a secret submissive just playing domineering) Again there are possible dark and light path scenarios here. Irma - Filch has a crush on her, does she somehow reciprocate? Maybe there is a way to get her juices flowing in the "right" direction here, from books being "dropped" outside filches door where he has to return them, to nasty accidents in the libary that filch needs to clean. This can be a fun provacative way of playing matchmaker.

Paul Lister

Hello Folks! Maybe I'm missing it, but... What are we voting on? I see that it's mentioned here, "To wrap this news post up, we will finish with a voting round. This time the choice will be the hardest… And it might influence a certain event in 0.10B, so choose carefully!", but what's the question/selection about?


May be a dumb question, is there an updated road or for goals over 2022 winter into 2023 year?


where hermione