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Hello folks!

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It's time for one more update for our Live2D animation demo, which is almost finished. It's Susan with some tasty candies this time. As always, you can grab it from here - https://www.teamsadcrab.com/once-upon-a-time-in-hogwarts. Please, leave any feedback in the comments under this post or in Discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/XnFW2Pn). 

Have fun!

Всем привет!  

А у нас очередное обновление для нашей демонстрации функционала анимации Live2D в Ren'Py, которая уже почти доделана. На этот раз - это Сьюзан и пара сладких, вкусных конфет. Как всегда, эта демонстрация доступна по ссылке https://www.teamsadcrab.com/once-upon-a-time-in-hogwarts. Если у вас есть какие-либо комментарии или замечания, пожалуйста, оставляйте их в этом посте, или же на нашем сервере Дискорд (https://discordapp.com/invite/XnFW2Pn). 

До встречи!



New Susan animation worked perfectly, but in anim. #8, there was a weird shadow overlapping the candy, when she sucked on it. My guess is it's a layering thing.


Will all these new animations make it into the next release of the game?


Hello! Thank you for your attention! I missed this defect in my tests. I will fix it within a couple of days. This is a shadow mask on hidden large candies. The candy is not visible, but a shadow is displayed.


I think the "embarrassment off/on" for Susan is backwards.


Finally the best girl get hers !