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Fixes, fixes, fixes… We hope that with the release everyone can see the amount of work put into bug fixes and redressing a great many issues.  While we do have content to put in, rather than rush that content out of the door, we decided to redress more important things.  We hope that everyone appreciates this approach, and perhaps it was a bit unexpected but it should lead to a better player experience.  

With that, we feel a poll would be advantageous to get everyone’s input on this approach. Should we continue to make content focused on the Alpha releases only or try to push new content out each release?

P.S. A quick note on the website, it’s a 10 gig connection and their is a bandwidth limit, the links were peering traffic between servers (we have 3) and it was soaking double the bandwidth.  We will spend some time addressing this when we get a chance. For now, more bandwidth was bought as it’s quicker :)

Всем привет, и сразу к делу!

Фиксы, фиксы, фиксы… ближайший релиз будет посвящён именно им, включая в себя и другие улучшения. И хотя у нас уже готов новый контент, мы не спешим его вставлять, улучшая и исправляя более важные места. Мы надеемся, что вы положительно оцените новой подход, который может и неожидан, но должен улучшить впечатление от игры.

Таким образом, мы считаем, что было бы полезно провести опрос, чтобы узнать ваши мнения об этом подходе. Должны ли мы продолжать вводить новый контент только в альфа-версиях или пытаться добавлять новый контент в каждом релизе?

  1. Вставляйте как можно больше контента, к черту ошибки!
  2. Не торопитесь, баги убивают что новый контенте что и игру!
  3. По фиг, лишь бы секс завезли!

P.S. Небольшой апдейт по веб-сайту: на нём соединение на 10 гигабайт, и это предел пропускной способности, ссылки передавали трафик между серверами (у нас их 3), что вдвое увеличивало потребление соединения. Мы потратим время на решение этой проблемы, когда у нас будет такая возможность. На данный момент мы просто купили соединение получше, так как это быстрее :)



The content will get in, but playing a really buggy release sucks and when someone decides to steal and post the release it also leaves a bad impression if it is too buggy. (if you share the game for free you suck, except for the free version)


Disappointing to see so many voting for new content every 9 months. I thought the rebuilds to game (up to 3 now yeah?) and the rewrites would free up time for new content? Pretty sure this was explicitly said last release but now we can look forward to new content once a year? Wtf guys. Game breaking bugs are frustrating but a 9 month schedule for new content is ridiculous.


Put all the bugs in the free version. :D


maybe have a nightly or weekly build for the Cannoneer tier and a monthly build for the Corsair tier we all have the understanding bugs /will/ happen and hell might help you catch some of the earlier ones as well keep the x.x-A and x.x-B builds of course as the "finalized for this revision" but more frequent updates would be welcomed, and you shouldnt need to push the entire project down, just the updated files... like a patch.... i personaly would be willing to bump to the 20$ tier just to get a weekly build with all the bugs in it


Maybe do it in cycles, Content release, bug fix release etc, guess it depends on where you can put resources. Content release will deliver bug reports and help drive bug fix release. That said it you are still changing the underline structure of the game that won't likely work so well.


If content is devoted to 1 out of 3 of the updates it doesn't give much to look forward to, or much reason to replay for most of an entire year. I'd prefer if you balanced fixes and content in each or most of the updates.


If you want to do no-content releases, you should disclose what is planned for each update. Since the interval between them have significantly grown, i don't think you are justified in making content releases one every 7 or so months. Either update more often or add content in every update.


It's got to have content, was very disapointed that the beta had no new content. If your just patching bugs, then quicker turn around or a different workflow, as going 6 months without is a big pill to swallow if you don't know what to expect. hence why I've tapped out of supporting for now.


0.6a was good, a scene appeared, mini games were added. But 0.6b nothing was added, there were plans for xandria, a mini game for hermies. And in the end, nothing is added except a shower scene that is not even interesting. If you only make corrections and occasionally content, then testers cannot cope with the example of past releases, bugs are fixed by sending them to the discord. So how will the bugs be fixed? I am for the content, I want to see the scene with Hermione. while work on 0.6b does not look very good.


I want to tell how I was surprised and pleased about the quantity and quality of the changes from 0.6.1a to 0.6 beta. Very well done :)