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Another ten days have passed, giving us another chance to state things that have already been stated and explain things that have already been explained. In short, this time. 

Getting right into it: the real issue we're faced with is keeping an element of surprise without losing the interests of the players. That being said, a lot of work has been done - emphasis on "a lot." So what should you expect? First and foremost, Innocent Witches is moving away from what it was originally, and, well, that's a good thing. We're managing to move forward! Some of the ideas of old have fallen by the wayside, and the team has even started welcoming ideas and concepts he once shunned. What's all this for? In short, we want the game to appeal to as much of an audience as it can without losing the audience we've already amassed, which is easier said than done; therefore, we're willing to take these kinds of risks. We can only hope they pay off. Speaking of paying off, though: new art is coming along nicely, and we've got some new puzzles on deck for you guys; hopefully you'll find them just as enjoyable as everything else. 

In terms of coding jargon, however - we've taken out a myriad of old and unnecessary parts that actually hindered updating the code, such as schema that had no real meaning. A lot of parts of the game were referenced by a letter / number code, one that's unreadable to humans, and rather than simply letting it fester, it got removed entirely. It's only logical, right? However, that brings about regression testing - just what hell have we broken? (In all honesty, it’s Joe who breaks everything...¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )  But with that being said, we can at least hope that this release will have been worth waiting for. We hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, we really do value your patience. 

Like always, the poll is last. But this week's is actually important. 

What are your thoughts on a sort of hint system that guides you throughout the game, telling you what to do?

Прошло еще десять дней, а значит пришло время для ещё одной порции новостей.

И сразу к делу: реальная проблема, с которой мы сталкиваемся, заключается в том, чтобы сохранить элемент неожиданности, не теряя при этом интереса игроков. При этом было проделано много работы, действительно много. Так чего же вам ждать? Прежде всего, Innocent Witches отходит от того, что было заложено изначально, и нам удается двигаться вперед! Некоторые из старых идей отошли на второй план, и команда начала приветствовать идеи и концепции, которые раньше мы избегали. Для чего все это? Короче говоря, мы хотим, чтобы игра была интересна как можно большей аудитории, не теряя при этом аудиторию, которую мы уже накопили, что легче сказать, чем сделать; поэтому без различных рисков нам не обойтись. Мы можем только надеяться, что они окупятся. Говоря об отдаче, однако: новые арту уже получили позывным отзывы, и у нас уже есть несколько новых задачек, надеемся что они вам понравятся.

Теперь к новостям кода - мы вычистили множество старых и ненужных частей, которые фактически препятствовали обновлению кода, например схемы, которые не имели реального смысла. Многие части игры ссылались на буквенно-цифровой код, который не читаем людьми, и вместо того чтобы просто захламлять пространство он был полностью удален. Казалось бы все просто? Однако, это приводит к регрессионному тестированию - так как иногда что-то ломается. Учитывая все вышенаписаное надеемся что ваши ожидания оправдаются в грядущем релизе и вам понравятся наши последние достижения.

И как всегда напоследок - опрос.

Что вы думаете о некоей системе подсказок, которая ведет вас на протяжении всей игры и подсказывает, что делать дальше?

1. Это было бы круто!

2. Не холодно, не жарко.

3. Это ужасная идея!



With how often new players ask for help or bitch about it being too complicated. I feel like it can only help at this point.


I think it's a great idea. Additionally, if it's optional, it'll basically be like having a walkthrough, except that it's in-game rather than in an obscure and not-always-up-to-date document.


For me, I enjoy the story (and the naughty bits) without all the extra puzzle. When everything is done for me except one thing, which I have to wait a week at a time for each meeting (looking at you Hagrid), it's super frustrating. A "skip till next appointment" would be nice, since the time-turner only goes from Mon-Fri and character always want to meet on certain days during the week.


I would agree that it can be a good guide to move people a long wherever people get stuck. But if at all possible making it optional would be amazing because I personally like a little self satisfaction after I figure something out by myself.


I think either have a toggle for hints or just a button you click yourself when you're stuck. Then if you don't want hints, you won't get them. But if you do, then you can get them easily enough without searching the internet.


You have needed a hint system for a long fucking time


Agree with Renagede77! Let me ask for hints when I want or need them. And GOOD hints, not like one I just had in a another game that said. "You forgot something in another area." Well no fucking shit! I figured THAT out already! A hint as to what I missed or where would have been far more friggin' useful!


We will probably add a button the the UI to turn them on and off, the problem is more in open areas, and the concept of doing stuff out of order. It's not impossible, but expect iterations if we even do this.


I feel the current hint system already helps. I just look and go oops I forgot to do that. But I guess loads of people need their hands held when playing a game instead of exploring the game.


You are already publishing a walkthrough page both in the wiki page and also in reddit. So, in my opinion that kind of a button not really necessary. Okay it might be a useful feature for the ones who want to explore the game and the puzzles on their own. However, it is much easier to get the specific information about the part that you have trouble from walkthrough page. You can get the clues/answers and keep playing and solving other parts yourselves. Lastly, I think you should've written the last option a bit more possitive than "That’s a terrible idea!" nobody has the right to say that! It could've been "No need for that". Thanks for all your efforts,




All this we have in our discord server and users are help to each other, here is the invite https://discord.gg/pt5DvuZ


yes I know, I'm already using discord channels thanks bro


Ребята, заметил, что маховик времени в тот момент, когда появляется в игре фактически бесполезен. Показатели уже прокачены, просто пропускать время?


Make it optional in the settings.