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1. Fixed a bunch of critical bugs

2. Fixed other non-critical bugs

3. Changed the version of the game (saves made in 0.5B won't work)

Download  https://www.sad-crab.com  


1. Исправлена пачка критических багов

2. Исправлены другие менее критичные баги

3. Изменена версия игры (сохранения из 0.5B работать не будут)

Скачать  https://www.sad-crab.com  



where should i put save file if i use android version?


Honestly, I expected something more after all the waiting and with more than a year that I am following this game. The update is not bad but it is not enough. When the protagonist is going to fuck some of the main girls? Are we going to have to wait another year for that?


Is there an issue with the Android version still? Downloaded fine. Installed fine. But when I go to boot it up, it crashes and closes the entire application.


There goes 6 hours of work. Cool. 😐😐 Ill be skipping act 5 now. No way in hell im grinding that again.


We make slow corruption, and we have many characters, if you wanna quick fap, you support wrong game




Не могу войти на сайт через патреон и скачать игру, в чем проблема


All the link goes to are pictures. Where's the game?


Great update guys. Awesome scene with Susan, I especially like the way you seperate this scene into 8 parts, cool idea :). Also, I like the way you are taking Hermione tutoring ;). Keep up the good work


Андроид версия так и не устанавливается...


Этого стоило подождать! Сцена с Луной шикарна!) Благодарю за апдейт)


Заново играть пятую главу смысла не увидел - зря потраченное время. Между альфой и бетой прошло немало времени и добавилась лишь одна сцена.


Ну так релиз и расчитан на 5$ патронов, самые новые фичи в А версиях


Мое мнение - хорош уже с фичами: Нола, переодевалка, это мракоборка... Почти ничего игре не дают, вперёд бы сюжет двигать...


there's no content with my fav Daphne in 0,5 right? man i miss her :( when will she return


Can I suggest you leave in Dev Mode as a Cheat Mode? I try to get dev mode working on every release because I'm lazy, and on this latest release I've gotta day the Dev Mode is awesome. It makes playing the game so much more enjoyable when I'm just trying to get to the tits.


how to complete the act2's new skills?


You can find answer on our discrod channel in en_help section https://discordapp.com/invite/XnFW2Pn


Yeah, it's definitely not supported and probably frowned on, but it's so good that I think it would make an awesome feature.


When I click the link: Can’t connect securely to this page This might be because the site uses outdated or unsafe TLS security settings. If this keeps happening, try contacting the website’s owner.


Clicking the download link does not seem to work for me. It loads a page telling me that the website cannot be reached, and that it "unexpectedly closed the connection". I have tried a few different solutions, none of which have worked. Is the link dead now or does it not work for just me?


I'm afraid i have the same issue with that one. Truly not sure what the problem is. Actually one moment let me try a different browser. It just occurred to me that I haven't tried that yet.


Hm. Well that's a shame. Not sure what to do about that.


Strangest thing, i tried the link on a different computer on the same internet connection and it worked just fine. No idea what the real issue is, but I'm happy i found a work-around. Either way thank you for your prompt responses.


My antimalware software flags the site as a Trojan or having outdated security measures.


There are no viruses on our site, and other players have never complained about the site or the game. Check your computer or change your antivirus


How do I download the game? When I clicked the link it took me to sadcrab website and then ack here


Your link is broken or your webhost is not safe. I trust my antivirus more than that. Will you provide a link to another download? What happened to itch.io or mega links?