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(Incase you wanted more, and we didn’t provide it, apologies)

Ah, alas, and ahoy maties, we made port, we dropped our wares and have been readily receiving ye responses.  To quell ye yearnings, the work has already started on the next release, a new scene shall be a comin’ like wind in yer sails, hopefully ye blow hard!  If this last release wasn’t quite fulfilling, do not worry, there will be another load later on for this scene.  We hope ye enjoyed it as much as we did making it.  Also, ye might not have noticed the sounds, maybe ye play with ye sound off…. So that leads us to our next poll.

What do you think of the music/sound effects in the latest scene?

 Alas though we have much work to do and not enough time! So back to swabbin’ decks and polishing knobs we go! 


Ну вот прошло ещё немного времени, а мы выпустили очередную версию, да и небольшое количество отзывов мы уже получили. А работа над следущей версией уже кипит, и часть наших усилий идёт на новую сцену. И если сцена в этой версии вас не удовлетворила до конца, не волнуйтесь, своё продолжение она тоже получит. И всё же мы надеемся что она вам пришлась по вкусу. Да и аудио сопровождение у неё вы могли заметить... хотя может вы играете без звуков. И на этой ноте, опрос:

Как вам понравилось аудио-сопровождение в новой сцене?

1. Музыка - отстой, эффекты - нормально.

2. Музыка - нормально, эффекты - плохо.

3. Что музыка, что эффекты одинаково плохи.

4. Играю без звука.

И на этом пожалуй всё, время неумолимо бежит вперёд, а дел у на в невпроворот! До следующих новостей!



I can't answer the poll since there are no results for having enjoyed the music/sound haha.


Music and sound effects were great.


поддерживаю предыдущих ораторов)


When is the beta dropping?


Everything is great do some content!


I don't think my response really falls into any of the categories. I kind of like the music, but usually play without sound effects on


Назовите примерные сроки релиза для 5$ подписчиков.


Собственно а где пункт "А мне все норм" ?


all ok


I enjoyed both as well.


I really like the music,


Can't choose an option in the poll as both the sound and FX are fine.


I thought both were good. In fact I would love the name of the song.


А почему нет варианта "всё ок" ?


⭕️ Both the music and sound effects are okay.


I am totally down with the slow buildup to more H scenes. I like the tease aspect (Daphne is a pro).


In my view, the sound effects are not bad but too soft_(:з」∠)_


I think I should start turning the sound on. I buy a lot of music and game time tends to be when I play it. That and I'm holding out till next release to play the game from the start, so haven't even touched this release.


That said I just got some game soundtracks so I cold be missing something good here


Где вариант все ок?


Решили, что все плохо. Оказалось нет. Спасибо


The Music is okay but it always remember me on Johnny B from the Hooters



Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

I will not Lie I have not played enough to make an informed decision on this vote so I shall abstain.


I never turn the sound or do I care? lol


There is no option for Both being OK coz they are. Both sound effects and music are in good quality compare to some of the already finished games.


I'm also fine with both.


The music and sound are fine but I would like more moans and sexy voices (not speaking).


I agree. The music and sounds are great. That gasp from Ginny was perfect... More of that!


I actually really dig the music personally. Not just for the new scene but in general. Some more sound effects would be nice. Especially for the scenes.

Super Koi

Just to chuck my input. The problem i have with the two scenes so far is that they are very slow to get through. Im not saying i want to skip them entirely but i feel like being able to move onto the next stage of the scene at will would be so much better