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Written by HikerAngel

Commissioned by The First One

Queen Turbulence was not exactly a well-respected adversary within her spaces. Tossed aside as one-note and forgettable, she quickly found herself joining the ranks of “Paint Man” and “The Mighty Belt” as a gimmick villain with a borderline useless power. She could give planes turbulence. That was her power. Woohoo.

Her villain name was a bit of a misnomer as well. One heard “queen” and likely pictured a tall woman with a confident gait. Queen Turbulence couldn’t be further from that. She was skinny and short, with a hunch to her neck and shoulders that only made her seem smaller. Her blonde hair was matted as if she could be made any shorter. Minus the thick, coke-bottle glasses she sported, she lacked a presence, which was probably why she was getting shoved around so easily by villains tougher and stronger than her as they all scrambled to catch a glimpse of Dr. Lara Lacie’s latest invention.

“Lara Lacie, wow. What a woman…” Turbulence fawned as her bespectacled eyes caught a sliver of the doctor amongst the thick miasma of people. She wasn’t sure how a woman could look so perpetually tired and desirable at the same time, but Dr. Lacie pulled off the look flawlessly.

“Welcome, one and all to VillainCon. Y’know, stuff like that. All that good stuff. Yeah.” A heavy amount of mic feedback followed. Dr. Lacie sounded… less than excited to be here, but just hearing her voice was enough for the villainous masses to shower her with cheers and praise. That was one of the highlights of being here—well, that and the venture capital funding. “Anyways, I know you guys are probably hyped for the Death Ray mk.XXXVI or the latest updates to my DoomDevice, but I think I’ve finally perfected my life’s work, the SuperSerum that made The Unyielding Man who he is today! With this, one could replicate the powers of a god for about fifteen minutes… and who knows? Maybe we’ll find a way to make it permanent?”

Her excitement wasn’t shared as enthusiastically with the crowd as she would’ve liked. Sometimes, Lara wasn’t sure why she even bothered. She looked out into the crowd—what a sausagefest it was! Men… she had less than favorable interactions with villains of the opposite sex over the years. They didn’t value ingenuity and groundbreaking scientific achievements like she did. For them, villainy was about flair and pizzazz and evil schemes that looked cool when they blew up in their faces. It’s like they didn’t even want to stop The Unyielding Man amongst other heroes, just prolong some sort of playful back and forth banter until the end of time.

“Fine. Fine, fine, fine. We’ll talk about the Death Ray then.”

The crowd erupted with cheers. Dr. Lacie hoped that they couldn’t see her eyes roll from where she stood on the stage.

Meanwhile, Queen Turbulence was utilizing her secret superpower of lacking a presence to sneak backstage. She was interested in this SuperSerum, after all, whatever it could offer would surely beat her current set of powers. Unfortunately for her, being easy to miss in a crowd meant very little when she was the only one snooping around. She wasn’t exactly stealthy, spotted after only minutes.

“Hey, what are you doing back here?” came a familiar voice, though its context sounded surreal when not echoed through a microphone or computer speakers. Queen Turbulence whisked around and froze like a deer in headlights, locking eyes with the perpetually tired gaze of Dr. Lacie. Meeting her idol, no matter how planned, was something she would never be ready for. Despite the rash initial tone, the doctor didn’t seem to care that a random stranger was in her makeshift convention center lab, which was probably the most welcoming Turbulence had ever seen Lara be.

“U-um! I was just…” her brain scrambled for an excuse, but she wasn’t exactly a quick thinker in situations like this—or ever, for that matter. Her posture faltered as she reluctantly came clean. “Well, I was really interested in getting some of that serum of yours, D-Dr. Lacie. I’m… I’m tired of being a joke villain and I th-think your science could finally make me a real threat! I-I might even have a minion! O-or maybe two!”

“As far as I’m concerned, all villains who adopt the moniker are joke villains. This whole damn system is a joke…”  the evil doctor began to ramble. Usually she would be stopped by a mediator or an assistant trying to keep her from losing sponsors, but Queen Turbulence didn’t dare interrupt. “Some roleplaying chumps a hundred years ago set up this whole thing about what it means to be a villain and what it means to be a hero. At the end of the day it’s just a bunch of theatrical crap!”

Dr. Lacie shot a crazed look at Turbulence, who nodded accordingly.

“My plan was good, for the betterment of humanity even! I want all the downtrodden women of the world to rise up and conquer their oppressors. For that, I got labeled a villain and tossed into the loony bin with all the others—no offense.”

“U-um, none taken,” Queen Turbulence replied. The meeker woman should’ve probably seen that as a red flag, but her demographic was included in the rant so she didn’t think much of it. “S-so that’s what the grand purpose of this potion is? T-to give all the women of the world actual superpowers to contend with the heroes?”

“Oh I don’t want to just contend with the heroes…” she then found herself getting frustrated as she twirled a vial in her fingertips. “And right now, I’m thinking that not all women should get it either! I’ve proposed this idea to several female heroes and government officials, but they’re too corrupted to understand, too content with the middling power that the status quo affords them. So they too will be crushed underfoot when the day of reckoning comes to their doorsteps.”

Once again, Queen Turbulence found herself nodding along. Despite the eligible demographic shrinking, she was still luckily included within it.

Yet Lara Lacie’s frustration turned to sadness, her lip quivering as she let the vial of bright green elixir fall from her fingertips onto the floor. “Too bad this serum is a failure.”

“But why would you say that, Dr. Lacie? The serum gives people superpowers for fifteen minutes! That’s like, an insane feat!”

“Fifteen minutes isn’t enough time to take over the world, much less to ensure my infinite reign remains absolute. Ugh, the math just doesn’t check out! No amount of dark matter, synthesized adrenal cholesterol or saturated hydrocarbons could ever make an effect like this permanent.”

“D-did you say saturated hydrocarbons?”

“Yes, that was one of the key ingredients. But why?”

“W-well that’s like, one of the few things my powers can actually manipulate! I-I’m not sure to what extent, exactly… but maybe it’s what you need?”

The meeker girl was waiting to be laughed at by her superior, as she had been for most of her life. Instead, she was met with curious indifference. Dr. Lacie tossed a vial of the serum to her compatriot without warning, with Queen Turbulence precariously juggling the glass tube in her hands upon not catching it the first time. 

“Alright then, go ahead and do your stuff.” Lacie didn’t sound incredibly enthused, but perhaps she was simply tampering her expectations. 

Queen Turbulence concentrated. She wasn’t sure exactly how her powers worked, but after pulling off several “fake psychic” schemes on unsuspecting and vulnerable airline passengers, she knew where to aim her shuddering hands for the best results.

After straining for several minutes, the elixir suddenly started to hop around within Turbulence’s grasp like a jumping bean. It glowed a bright, verdant green, pulsating with condensed energy that looked like it threatened to burst at any moment.

“Holy shit…” the doctor said, her voice trailing off as she observed the surreal chemical reactions.

“I-I think I did it. Lara, I—“ the blonde paused, remembering what she believed to be her place. “I-I mean, Dr. Lacie. Sorry.”

To her surprise, she found a comforting hand resting itself on her shoulder. “Lara is fine, dear. I feel like we’re going to become quite close in the coming months if this product proves to be a success.”

Turbulence beamed from ear to ear, a slight squee of excitement escaping the gaps in her teeth. Lara, intentionally or not, quickly tempered her compatriot’s excitement.

“Might take a few months of rigorous testing to assure that your alterations had any meaningful effect beyond a color change,” Lara admitted. “We’ll have to test it on rats first, obviously. After we can secure proper funding from investors, we could probably begin a trial run of the serum in a year or—”

Her logistical spiel was interrupted as she swiped the vial out of Turbulence’s hand, only for the brew within to become overstimulated and erupt. Glass spewed in all directions like shrapnel from a grenade, peppering the two girls with painful cuts. The pain that speckled their two bodies shrouded the seeping serum that had slipped into their skin wounds. The younger blonde felt tears of pain well in her eyes, but they did not pass beyond that.

While the two stood unmoving, frozen in their pain, they found that their agony was not nearly as devastating as their sight would’ve led them to believe. If anything, there should have been far, far more pain. It was as if the feeling of razor sharp glass piercing the skin was fading into the background, replaced instead with a burgeoning feeling of power deep within their bodies, itching to expand until it was satisfied.

Queen Turbulence and Dr. Lacie began to pant and gasp as the experience inside of them began to grow, spreading to every inch of their bodies and leaving behind a tingling sensation in its wake. When the feeling ran out of space within their small, waifish bodies, it simply took the next, logical step—expanding every aspect of them until there was enough space to properly contain its power.

Both villainesses found their bodies undergoing a surge of sudden growth, each inch of their unimpressive forms multiplying. The glass that had once plagued their bodies fired out of their skin and ricocheted harmlessly around the room as if a blast of energy from within their bodies compelled them to be dispelled. The wounds immediately healed, refusing to even scar such perfect, flawless skin as they became something beyond mere humans. Their wimpy clothes couldn’t keep up, but soon such trivial matters as public nudity wouldn’t be a problem. They were villainesses after all, why did they need to follow the rules?

In her typical nervous fashion, Queen Turbulence was quick to hide her burgeoning body, with one hand cupping her netherregions and a whole arm dedicated to her blossoming breasts. At first, the surreal changes seemed to compliment her desire for puritanism as cords of thickening muscle coated her limbs, quickly surpassing any bodybuilder—female or male—as her BMI soared into the triple digits. But her efforts were ultimately in vain as her bountiful bosom swelled beyond what a single arm could reasonably contain.

Dr. Lacie, conversely, reached for the nearest clipboard and began to quickly jot down the results happening to her own form. “Legs thicker than tree trunks of oak”, “breasts larger than prized watermelons” and “height rapidly approaching the ceiling” were just a few of the notes she was able to jot down before the sheer unconscious force of her pen shattered the fiberboard beneath it. She didn’t think much of it—after all, her mind was evolving at such a rapid pace alongside her body that such trivial things as “spotty memory” were all but eliminated as she continued to ascend beyond even her wildest calculations.

The ceiling was a suggestion as they tore through the paneling and piping like paper. Various screams of staff members echoed throughout the hall above as the two overpowered women’s growth showed no signs of slowing. 

Queen Turbulence, now bestowed with a body befitting a tyrant, no longer lacked a presence—if anything, it was one quite hard to ignore. Her hunched shoulders and craned neck was now an adorable remnant of who she once had been. Her coke bottle glasses better resembled tiny reading glasses upon her larger face, imagery which only heightened her air of authority.

Dr. Lacie didn’t need anything fancy to let people know that she was an overpowered goddess. Possessing five times the height of an average person made that obvious enough. Both of their growth spurts began to slow concurrently, capping at an absolutely absurd twenty-six feet of height. A silence only broken by occasional deep breaths followed, the two women overwhelmed by a mix of pleasure and power that now permanently coursed through their veins.

“S-so now what, um, Lara?” Turbulence spoke, forgoing any attempt to shield herself from view and simply confiding in the one person who shared her strange fate. She was hesitant to test out her powers. Sure, she was a villain, but… not like a supervillain. Y’know?

Dr. Lacie, on the other hand, possessed no such hesitations. Her massive fingers carefully clacked at her keyboard, running diagnostics on the status of her own body. She wasn’t expecting to be patient zero of this serum, but by a complete miracle Turbulence’s solution appeared to have worked flawlessly. There were no signs of decay in the serum over time, meaning this new body was truly permanent. Lara also didn’t need the computer to confirm that the overall effectiveness of the serum had improved as well—given that her and Turbulence’s current bodies were triple the size of her test subjects under the original serum with just half the dose.

With everything on the science side securely solved, the doctor finally replied to her villainous compatriot’s inquiry. “Simple…” she held up several more vials of her SuperSerum in a single palm, ready for them to be enhanced via Queen Turbulence’s method. “We take over the world.”


The Unyielding Man flew back into orbit only for his comms system to become bombarded with alerts and cries for help. His supersonic vision processed the thousands of synopsis pop-ups in mere seconds, but even a superhero could not overcome the delay brought on by a bout of confusion. These weren’t just the usual distress calls from Presidents, congressmen and government officials; but villains, supervillains and even the fish people of Atlantis—even though they had declared they wished to remain separate from humanity and their ilk.

Something was wrong. Something was seriously wrong.

“SuperScott, what the hell is going on down there!?” The Unyielding Man shouted into his ear-connected mic, cautiously remaining within a field of satellites. He had never felt fear before, he didn’t even know it was possible, but he could not deny the increased pace of his heart. Once the world’s most powerful superhero made his intentions clear to protect the status quo at any cost, he assumed that the prospect of a panopticon would keep heroes and villains alike in check. Now, it seemed as though it had been shattered for the first time in over a hundred years. “I was gone for fifteen minutes to deal with an interplanetary conflict, how the hell did all this happen!?”

“I-I’m not sure, sir!” replied the wheezy voice of his sidekick, the distorted sounds of explosions and gunfire echoing in the background of the audio receiver. “They move so fast… they conquer entire countries without opposition… and there’s so many of them!”

“Wh-what are you even saying!? Is it an alien invasion? A viral outbreak? Beings from a higher plane of existence?”

“It’s… a bunch of large women!”

The Unyielding Man raised an equally unyielding eyebrow. Large women? Was this some sort of elaborate prank? His birthday was right around the corner…

He attempted to return the call, only to get no answer from his loyal sidekick. Perhaps this was a prank indeed. Ever since he had established a rigid peace regiment within the world, no one had dared to challenge it—now all of the sudden, so-called “large women” were toppling governments? Any fear that was once in his heart had all but vanished. If what his sidekick claimed was true, this should be trivial.

Flying down to the surface, he was forced to use his thermal vision to breach the miasmic dust that appeared to coat the entire city he had landed in. This was where his super hearing had triangulated the location of SuperScott, yet every direction of this population center seemed uncharacteristically devoid of life.

“Unyielding! Thank God you’re here!” spoke a familiar voice, though the words it uttered and the tone of relief with which it uttered said words sounded completely foreign. Running towards him—or more accurately, running away from the larger adversary chasing him—was Dr. Laos, The Unyielding Man’s sworn villainous rival. While their animosity towards one another had gradually softened into a bitter rivalry over the years, it never quite reached a “friendly” stage. Yet here Laos was, confiding in the one person he hated the most to spare him from a horrific fate.

“Well, well… the man of the hour finally decides to show his face. I was beginning to wonder if you had finally recognized that this was a losing battle,” Lara Lacie said, her cold and calculated voice now bearing a hint of smugness.

From the endless dust fog emerged two beautifully naked figures, the progenitors of humanity’s evolution. The Unyielding Man did a quick read-through of their minds, quickly piecing together the situation that was occurring. With everything that was on the line, he needed allies wherever he could find them.

“Dr. Laos, look alive. If we combine our forces, we could conquer this threat to the very foundation of humanity,” The Unyielding Man said, hoping to inspire a temporary allyship.

“Y’know, I was just thinking the same thing, Turby,” the doctor added, cracking her knuckles in tandem with her blonde-haired compatriot. “What say you? Wanna take a stab at both of them first?”

“S-sure! If that’s okay with you!” Queen Turbulence replied, readying into a combat stance.

The two men would not come easy—but not because of any display of hidden talents or skill. Instead, other enhanced supervillainesses rushed upon the hero and villain like a timelapse of bottomfeeders to a whalefall, a swarm of twenty-foot-tall women surrounding Dr. Laos and instantly ripping him apart, limb from limb. Clearly, his sexual assault allegations were finally catching up to him.

“Phew, glad that bastard’s dead. It was a long time coming,” Burnout Rubber—a flaming-tire-related villainess—remarked, pinching one of Laos’ legs in between her meaty fingers. “Thanks for the serum by the way, Dr. Lacie. New Zealand stood no chance once I flew across the ocean like a speedy Jesus to have a little chat with their prime minister.”

“No need to thank me, dear,” the doctor replied with a humble hand wave. “You’re a villainess, it’s practically your God-given right to have it.”

The Unyielding Man saw that his adversaries were distracted and seized the opportunity for action. He flew forward as fast as he could, targeting the less confident of the two main perpetrators of this apocalypse. He was a hero, sure, but in situations like this he wasn’t above fighting dirty if it meant saving the world. Unfortunately, even his fastest wasn’t fast enough.

His super-perception made sense of the situation that followed, even if his limbs were simply too slow to keep up. It all happened in a split second—first, Queen Turbulence cowered in fear, bracing for impact; next, she realized just how slow it was taking The Unyielding Man to reach her; then, her beefy body performed a small sideways shimmy to move out of the path of his advancing punch, until she was right beside his body, his great leap forward into the air only put him at about waist-height compared to her; finally, as if to twist the knife further, she inspected around his glacial statue of a body as if she were expecting some sort of secret attack or something more from who she still saw as the strongest hero to ever walk the earth. She even had enough time to giggle to herself before poking him in the back, sending him careening into a crater in the earth.

Without a perceived threat, Queen Turbulence’s movements returned to speeds humans could comprehend. “O-oh my god! I-I did it! I-I defeated The Unyielding Man! Lara! Did you see me!? I totally whupped him!”

She jumped up and down like an excited fangirl, her stomps quaking the earth with their unrestrained might.

“Oh I saw, alright,” spoke the devious voice of Lara Lacie, appearing out of thin air beside her super-adversary and scooping him up into a cavernous elbow of muscle. “But, for me, it’s not enough to defeat him. I need to make him yield.” 

If there was one aspect of The Unyielding Man that one could surmise from the title, it was that he never surrendered to his opponent’s demands. Even when beaten and bruised from threats surpassing his caliber, he never compromised the hope that resided deep within his soul.

As a scientific woman, Dr. Lara Lacie didn’t believe in souls. Or hope for that matter.

She sandwiched the tiny, seven-foot-tall man upside-down in between her overdeveloped, hyper-feminine thighs, ready to deliver a piledriver that would literally be heard around the world. Several other villainesses gathered around, zipping into the area with hyperspeed of their own. Pretty soon, the sight of the tiny, pathetic hero trapped within the moisture-slicked netherregions of a villainess scientist would be shared to every social media site around the world. It didn’t matter if they restricted nudity or not, she already had villainesses conquering every corporate ladder until there were no more ineffectual men running any businesses.

Then came the actual suplex, alongside the demolition of the surrounding city. At that moment, The Unyielding Man understood that the only reason he was still alive was because Dr. Lacie wished him to be so.

“Well, well, well… what do we have here?” Lara remarked, superheating her finger and using it to effortlessly burn off the spandex suit of Unyielding that could survive a fall from space without a scratch. The audience of villainesses giggled as they all caught sight of the unmistakable erection standing proud from his crotch. Not only was the world’s greatest superhero hopelessly outmatched, his body was loving every second of it.

“Some paragon of justice you turned out to be, you pathetic whelp,” Lara remarked with a devilish grin, brushing her raven bangs out of her face as she put on a smile for the nearest camera. That would be the cover of every magazine for the next three months, the doctor would ensure it. “And to think, I was going to waste my latest death ray on you.”

He mumbled something that just barely emerged from within the deep ravines of her cobbled abs. She heard it well, as did all of the supervillainesses in the audience. But for the sake of any inferiors that may have been present, she rescinded her thighs and forced him to utter the words once more. The temperature change overwhelmed his body, causing his overstimulated erection to fire off a few pathetic ropes of cum atop her chiseled abs and bountiful breasts. More giggles flooded from the audience of villainesses as they all watched the supposedly unstoppable hero of earth succumb to such lowly pleasures without as much as a protest.

“Go ahead, pitiful whelp. Repeat it.”

“I… Yield.”

Muscle exploded from every inch of her sumptuously sculpted form as she flexed in her victory. 

“If there’s anyone I ought to thank for our success as villainesses… I suppose it’s you, dear,” Lara remarked, smooching Turbulence on the cheek as The Yielding Man pledged his eternal loyalty to the doctor’s reign. Queen Turbulence became a stuttering mess as she cupped her face in ecstasy, trying not to faint. Never in a million years would she have made a move on a woman as refined and perfect as Lara, so she didn’t have to. Turbulence did what the doctor could never do, and so Lara Lacie was simply returning the favor.

Dr. Lacie’s laugh was heard across the universe that day, but alongside it was the giddy giggle of Queen Turbulence. Two women, finally satisfied with their positions.


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