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My story is a peculiar tale, and many may consider it a bizarre journey, but to me, it made perfect sense. I've always been a determined person and once I set my mind to something, there was no going back.

It all started as an experiment, an almost innocent curiosity. I asked myself, "What if I deliberately started eating more and gaining weight?" It wasn't because of a lack of self-esteem or any insecurity related to my body. I simply wanted to see what it would be like.

At first, I gradually increased my portions at meals. I ate more snacks, desserts and second courses. At first, my belly felt a little fuller, but nothing alarming. The feeling of being satisfied was comforting, and I liked it.

As the months passed, my determination only grew. I started looking for high-calorie recipes and making constant nighttime snacks. Each bite brought me closer to my goal, and I was getting heavier and heavier. It was as if an irresistible force was pushing me forward.

My belly, which was previously flat, began to slowly expand. With each passing week, I noticed my clothes getting tighter, but somehow that didn't put me off. On the contrary, it was a constant reminder of my commitment to this experiment.

People around me started to express concern, but I always reassured them that everything was under control. Deep down, I knew I was going too far, but something inside me kept pushing me to eat more.

My belly, now prominent, seemed to have a life of its own. It was always full, and I felt the extra weight with every step I took. However, I couldn't stop eating. It was as if she was trapped in a vicious cycle of indulgence.

Eventually, my belly grew to a size I had never imagined. I could no longer hide my weight gain, and people around me were shocked by the transformation. But for me, that was an achievement. I had proven that I could achieve my goal.




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