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Necromancy is a dangerous path, and one must forget their own principles if he intends to mingle with life & death. So... Necromancer Knight.

It used to only get bones and what was needed to start off making some quick skeletons, but I intend to up it a notch or two.

Currently: Necromancer can't get Princesses around him pregnant, there's just something about being around black magik that repels life. But hey, you get perks. Other than the usual Necromancy set, now with MORE BONES, you'll get the Unholy Aura buff on the Knight.

Unholy Aura grants a buff to the Knight, but an even stronger one to its undead companions, being them Progeny or Princesses!

I'm also working on a proper Necromancer Staff (you can see it in the Knight's portrait), that will grant the chance to conjure unique skeletons! Very excited about that, will be coming in 3 special heads at first, but that's something that will wait just a tiny bit more, don't want to rush it out~




That's most definitely the most ripped necromancer I've ever seen