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It's been a while since I uploaded videos about this game, huh?

Showing Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde gameplay during the Maggia chapter. She has several points that make her different from other characters (and I don't like adding characters to the game just to "inflate" the number of characters), being positive and negative points.


- She can become intangible during several special moves and some do not spend power for this (such as blocking).

- Intangibility works on both defensive and offensive moves

- Has a helper, Lockheed, who has ranged attacks and draws enemies' attention to him

- She has high agility and speed

-She can "run in the air", free of gravity, for a short period


-Many of her animations use indirect attacks, like the attack while running: she first becomes intangible and then hits, so you always have to calculate this delay or you pass through the enemies (as I did several times in the video)

- The Rise attack (where it enters the ground and then leaves) needs to be controlled

- Her Hyper move is also indirect: she orders Lockheed to attack, and this is not instantaneous

- It does not have high resistance

Thanks to Psykai for help with programming this character and to Arkady for the original sprites.

#xmen #openbor #avengers #gamedev 


Drew Miles, Minion, Raymond, Ezequiel Fuentes Jr, T.K. Bold, Jai Cook, Leif-Anders Banan, Ola Bergström, Danno, Elbor Mes, Rashad Caldwell, 

Jak Mujica and Matt McMuscles (plus all previous Patrons too).

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Seriously, this looks amazing! I honestly don't like the character very much, but you and your team managed to give her a very interesting gameplay!


Thank you buddy. Psykai gave some really cool ideas for this character. Believe me: she has a whole document with ideas for entire movesets, traits and such for TONS OF CHARACTERS. I could add something like 60 characters alone only with her ideas :)