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In which Kellie shares a little bit about her childhood, and realizes that she's starting to really look forward to seeing you every day.


Blue's Notes

Warning for a little bit of reference to childhood trauma involving an irritable mother--don't want that to catch you by surprise! Kellie feels like you're safe to tell. <3 The line about stories being truer than the truth comes from The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien--extremely powerful book that I would highly recommend, but mind the subject matter because it is ROUGH.


Angus Beaumont (AJBeaumont)

Yes! I love this series so much it simple but beautiful. I’m just waiting to hear those 3 magic words.

Pvt. Browsing

I don't even need to hear them they're cute enough in that weird way without it crossing into the too weird territory that it works. Also, Cheese.