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something like this would make lilith very happy, even if he wasnt awake, the fact that they were thinking of their well being long after is endearing.  this and other small things are what keep lilith in the present, no matter how annoying luci or mammon and their shenanigans can get. 

this one version of after care that lilith enjoys, just little displays of affection. (also like lots of snuggling, he will be happy if you simply become their pillow and accept your new place in life)




I cant ima get a caries from the sweetness. Also Luci going ✨ made me laugh so hard


Would you be willing to do general character profiles. You know, their likes and dislikes, special characteristics and details about them, etc.


its a good idea haha i would have a hard time finding all that they like and hate, but ill do my best when i get around to it :)