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Okay so they suddenly released a new character. My mind shut down and booted up again.

So I really need suugestions, which pair would you prefer? There will be a third mob character in both, but who do you want to see more?


I Dare Korval

I pick team left (Pino and Volund).

Alex N

My favorite is the hyena, Nitro. I also absolutely love how you do bulls but no matter what pair it is, they're all hot so I'd just want you to take your time to make a really sexy story with whomever.


FYI: The Mix option is purely dependant on whether I come up with a story or not. If I can't, I'll be taking the second most popular option.


Really hope the bull is in it <3


I support whatever you make. That said Nitro and Volund are the most pleasing to my eyes. :3