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We've updated! No major additions as we haven't gotten around to developing the game since the last release until recently, mostly adjustments and bug fixes due to the transition to UE5.

⬛ Changes

⏩ The game engine has been migrated from UE4 to UE5.

- As a result, lighting is now Lumen (a new feature in UE5). This will allow for more accurate representation of light.

⏩ Main menu and Pause menu were removed due to migration trouble.

- In Ver. 0.0.1, the main menu was displayed after startup, but now the game starts directly. Also, the pause menu cannot be opened during the game. To exit the game, type [ ESC ] on the keyboard. Please note that you cannot perform image quality, volume, etc.

⏩ The file size has been significantly lightened to 2.07 GB.

- The previous version 0.0.1 had 14.8 GB for a short content due to the large amount of unused data included, but this time we learned and set the output settings to exclude unused data, so we succeeded in reducing the weight significantly.

⏩ Guides on how to operate the map are now placed throughout the map.

- In Ver. 0.0.1, the operating instructions were in the form of a video, but with this update, we have placed a plate with operating instructions in the map at the scenes that require actions. Currently, the information is only available in English.

⏩ Some bugs have been fixed.

- Some bugs have been fixed, such as the footstep sound not switching from water sound, the swimming motion not ending after going above ground, and the ability to climb while swimming. There are still other bugs to be confirmed.

⏩ Added a map that was used during development.

- Although not particularly interesting, we added three maps that were used during development.

Sample Map2: Map used in game progress video #2. All interactive objects are currently stopped.

Debug Map2: Map used in the game progress movie #3.

Debug Map3: Map used for the creation of the mini-game.

⬛ Overview

  • A fun, cool and cute action game featuring the original character "Arashi Yagatake"! Arashi, skilled in martial arts, gains mysterious powers, explores mysterious places and fights mysterious enemies. ...that's the plan.

Development is a one-man effort. It will be completed in 5 years at the earliest... 10 years...? Or even longer...? I can't imagine, so please don't wait for completion. 😂

I am studying programming and 3D modeling, and using assets purchased with your support to develop what I cannot compensate for with my own technology. We use Unreal Engine for game development.

🎦 Preview video


⬛ Q&A

⏩ Do I need to submit requests or bug reports?

- We are currently not at the stage where we can respond to requests. Also, bugs are in a very early stage and are difficult to fix, but if you report critical bugs that are at a level that makes it impossible to progress, we may release a fixed version.

⏩ Will there be any original characters other than Arashi Yagatake?

- The characters are still undecided.

⏩ Will the models, voices, animations, and game balance be based on the current version?

- Everything is unadjusted and unfinished. There may be major changes or discontinuation.

⏩ What are the required and recommended specs?

- Unknown. We are not currently optimizing the game at all, so we cannot guarantee stable frame rates on any spec. The production environment is as follows. We use the highest image quality setting for production.

⏩ Can I publish videos of games I have played or play them on live TV?

- No problem. Also, there are no restrictions on the video or live broadcast platform for revenue generation functions. If possible, it would be helpful if you could link to this support platform somewhere.

⏩ Can I share my game files privately with friends?

- No problem as long as it is private. However, we do not allow sharing in places where there are no restrictions on viewing even if the purpose is private, or in communities so large that we cannot keep track of who you have shared them with even if there are restrictions on viewing.

⬛ Video

🎦 Tutorial [ENG Sub]


🎦 Walkthrough [ENG Sub]




⬛ Download

⏩ Caution

- The current version is intended to test the operation and is in a very poor state of gameplay.

- Due to its early development stage, it is very unstable and has a large number of bugs. Please be aware that you are responsible for any freezes or other problems that may occur due to the game you have started.

- The game balance, system, 3D models, animations, voices, SFX, VFX, UI/UX, etc. that are implemented are all temporary.

- The game file is 2 GB. Please prepare the free space you can afford.






So awesome to see you making progress on this!


Thank you! I will continue to work hard not only on my drawings but also on making games!😁


Wow amazing! How do you fit so much talent and skill within one person?


Thank you! But it's not finished, so those words are still too early for me!