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I'm creating a character introduction page. I published a temporary page.


*Japanese Only






Very cute! I want to fluff her tail, pet her ears, and fondle her cock and balls!




I went ahead and translated the entries for Arashi and Rin. I'm not a professional translator, so I can't promise it's 100% accurate, but I feel I did my best: Arashi Yagatake 身長:148cm Height: 148cm (4' 10") ​体重:56kg Weight: 56kg (123 lbs) 型別:女型 Type: Feminine 種族:半獣人(猫系) Race: Half-beast (Cat-type) 当サークル「ねこあらし」の看板娘。 The poster girl of our circle [Neko Arashi]. 人懐っこくてマイペースで天真爛漫。 Arashi is friendly and outgoing, taking things at her own pace. ​遊ぶことが好きで、ゲームやスポーツなど何でも Likes anything you can play, she's interested in a wide range of games to sports. 興味がある。特に直感で遊べることが得意。 She is especially good at anything that utilizes intuition. よく人に抱きつく癖がある。妹が一人いる。 She has a habit of hugging people. Has a younger sister.


Rin Asagaya 身長:181cm Height: 181cm (5' 11") ​体重:72kg Weight: 72kg (158 lbs) 型別:女型 Type: Feminine 種族:小半獣人(犬系) Race: Lesser Half-beast (Dog-type) ​夜ヶ岳 嵐の幼馴染で同級生。 Yagatake Arashi's childhood friend and classmate. 物静かで人見知りが強くておとなしい。 She is very shy, introverted, and quiet. 身長が高くて顔立ちも綺麗な美人と評判。ゲームや Despite this, she is beautiful and tall and well-liked. アニメが好きで、休日はだいたい家で過ごしている。 Enjoys games and anime, and tends to spend her days off at home. 普段は静かだが気が合う相手にはよく喋る。 Typically keeps to herself, but will talk actively with people she gets along with.


Woooow!! Thank you for translate!! By the way, about "gender", but this is a bit different. "Gender" in Japanese is saying "性別(Sei-Betsu)". There are no gender in the they living in a world where there are only futanari. So this "型別(Kei-Betsu)" is close to the coined word. It refers to the "type". (ex. 女性(Jyo-Sei) / Women → 女型(Jyo-Kei or Me-Gata) / Type:women) Sorry for the confusion! Thank you so much!!👍👍👍


great work and many hugs for the translation ❤


That's right! I have not released the characters yet, but there are also male-type futanari. And I will call it "男型". Masculine / Feminine! Good! It seems to be a more suitable word!

nekoarashi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-21 15:18:59 Thank you!<3 That is very helpful :D
2018-03-26 19:44:23 Thank you!<3 That is very helpful :D

Thank you!<3 That is very helpful :D