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$5 or more per month


+ Supporter only Project

Project for supporters only.

I testing project 2-3 times at "Dinner tier", After that I will start with "Lunch Tier".

+ Work In Progress (Limited)

I will publish prototypes and progress.


+ e-Book ( Semi-New ) 

=> + e-Book ( Semi-New + Low-Price ) 

Semi new e-books in addition books on sale at a low price.

Because, When this service is replaced with a book selling for 100 - 200 yen,

I felt that the value of the tier would drop.

* But, there is none low-price books yet.


$10 or more per month


+ Test Project 

Test for supporters only project.

I testing project 2-3 times at "Dinner tier", After that I will live start with "lunch Tier".

But, It may be change plan. example, It may canceled without live starting, It may live start with "Dinner Tier"

+ Work In Progress (ALL)

I will publish the prototype and progress of the product.



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