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Write your suggestions in the comments.

If I like your suggestion, I will add it in a future Polls! thx


Monsta Busta

Maybe dragon priests?


dragon priests - looks like a draugrs (but I don't want to make it something similar to the last draugr mod)) to me) maybe later. Now I want to do something new...


frost atronach,theres not really many nice versions of it


Ive been waiting so long for that Savngarde Statue to win XD but im happy with whatever fire mod you put out


Thanks for adding Frost atronach and wispmother 1+ on both lol


I have a couple ideas, if you were to do a dragon priest. To make it unique, zombie like - torn flesh - visible bones and muscle. And/or dragon horns - scales probably not lore friendly but seeing how they have dragon in the name.


I would love to see a nice spriggan mod


indeed democracy i am fine with that but also was waiting for sovngarde statue and to see spriggan as a vote option but i also agree everything great stuff and also much appreciate the work


i would really like to see storm too even more than frost since nearly to no one touched storm and it just looks challenging and psboss seems to like challenges)

John O

I'm just going to say it because no one else has but Rieklings.