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Goood morning!

Hope you’re all feeling fine and dandy today. ☺️ I’m back in LA after a very quick trip home. It was supposed to be three days,

but was cut to two since I had to come back for a last-minute interview this morning.

I’m being pitched for a TV show that I am super excited about and it went really well! I am hoping we hear some thing about it next week. So far it has had tons of great feedback and is moving quicker than normal. Fingers are crossed for sure, but also...I’m not attached to the outcome in terms of my happiness depending on how it goes. I’ve come a long way with myself and am in a much healthier space of accepting things if they don’t pan out. That being said, still would be rad if it does happen!

My time at home with JD was amazing and needed. I was away for almost 3 weeks this last round, so it was nice to get home to reconnect. And I get to go home Thursday after work so I’ll get to be with him for his bday for a few hours too! He and I are not precious about needing to celebrate our actual birthday on the day, but I am glad I get to be there with him. ❤️

Getting ready to edit a photo set and get it posted here! Should be up in a couple hours or less.

Lots of love!




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