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A friend of mine shot with Nicholas and I was obsessed with how her images came out. I looked at all of his other photos and was enamored. He has SUCH an eye for light and composition. I have never wanted to shoot nudes before (for a variety of reasons), but it was undeniable that his photos are ART - and I knew I had to work with him. 

It's really nerve-wracking to shoot without your clothes on in ANY capacity. Hell, I've had editors who have creepily made comments that they've compiled my 'nip slips' from music video shots and insinuated that they'll sell them (gross much? Also, safe to say, I stopped working with that guy). It's the reason I've shot exclusively with so many lady photographer friends over the years. 

I’ve shot with many male photographers who pressure you to be more revealing or to pose provocatively and to take off more and more clothes. It feels less like art and more like someone's compiling images for their spank bank, or abusing their position as an "artist" to get off. You also do not get to view the images after the fact to delete anything you're uncomfortable with, so there's often just photos of you somewhere out there. And in the industry, there's always the fear that you'll hit it big and someone will just leak or sell awful images of you - or images where too much was revealed of your body (whether on purpose or an accidental nip slip for example.) 

Nicholas was a fucking breath of fresh air. His wife is a longtime fan as well, and they both made me feel so at ease (and she also made me a killer matcha). He was so professional & kind and respectful. It was clear why so many women felt comfortable shooting with him: he had a privacy curtain, he would only have you disrobe when necessary for lighting tests or the shot, he made sure the temperature in the room was good and consistently checked in with you.  

After the shoot, he let me go through the images and delete anything I was uncomfortable with. He also cleared any images with me prior to posting (which you'd think is common sense, but I've had arguments with many, many photographers who post pictures that haven't been mutually approved!).  He has an exhibit coming up in LA and a book he's working on, so he also made sure to clear which images I'd be comfortable with being viewed by the public. 

AND the pictures turned out beautiful.

All in all, absolute dream creative collaborator. I can’t wait to shoot with him again!! We're planning another shoot for this month and I'm so excited. 




Hey just so you’re aware the fourth photo is on Freeman’s website uncensored just so you’re aware if you didn’t know already


Your beauty is breathtaking❤️


These look amazing, but Censorship even on a paid Content (and not even in a rather tasteful Way) is quite a downer to be honest. :(


These are fantastic. The fourth photo is Amazing! I have NEVER seen something like it. The silhouette meets the model in the same shot. Just incredible!


Hi Anna, if you are not comfortable with nudity, no one has a right to make you post it and you should never feel pressured to. That weird tape effect, on otherwise beautiful, fully in camera shots is jarring. Only my opinion, but I'd rather just see the selects that you are comfortable sharing as shot. Great silhouette work!


Aww sorry to hear that Anna, what is wrong with people nowadays🤦🏽‍♂️

Anna Akana

Totally get you, but I really like them! And they’re nicholas’ standard for censoring so it’s ultimately not my creative call


Congrats on being the subject of an award winning photo!!!!