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As you, my beloved nerds are reading this, today is my second day of my summer holiday.. Or vacation, I honestly don't know which one is the right word! (Please let me know though) I don't know if you remember guys, but I was going to travel to Chile this week, but I had a problem with my passport I couldn't fix (long boring story) so last week I finally changed my tickets to go next year! But since I already told all my clients or people I'm doing projects with I was going to take this (and next) week off, I decided (very last minute) to take my break now. And OH LORD GUYS, I needed this SO BAD. I'm going to let you know all 'deets' this friday for our usual newsletter/get-together/let's-catch-up but for now I just wanted to say hello and wish you all a nice week! All my love from gorgeous (and sunny) Hastings ❤️☕️🌅 ~ Mientras leen esto, mis amados nerds, hoy es mi segundo dia de vacaciones verano. No se si se acuerdan nerds, pero esta semana yo me iba de viaje a Chile, pero tuve un problema con mi pasaporte que no pude solucionar (una historia larga y aburrida) asi que finalmente la semana pasada cambie mi pasaje para el proximo año! Pero como ya le habia dicho a todos mis clientes y gente con la que estoy haciendo proyectos que me tomaria esta (y la proxima) semana libre, decidí (a muy ultima hora) tomarme un descanso ahora. Y POR DIOS NERDS, necesitaba esto TANTO. Les dare todos los detalles este viernes en nuestro usual newsletter/reunion/cita/ponida-al-dia pero por ahora los queria saludar y desearles una hermosa semana! Todo mi amor desde un hermoso (y soleado) Hastings! ❤️☕️🌅



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