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hello everybody and welcome to yet another chonky sketchbook tour!

During April I finished my fifth (?) Ugly Sketchbook! I can't believe I've been doing this project for two years now. I started drawing in ink during the first couple of months of the pandemic and now it's such an important part of my routine : .. )

I'm sure you relate to the wonderful feeling of finish a sketchbook and opening a fresh new one. I'm so happy I don't fear the blank page anymore actually I get really excited about it.

I really hope you enjoy this touuur! As always I attached all the references I used for my sketches (maybe you wanna draw them too!). Please find down bellow a zip. file with all April's pages; please do not copy, trace, sale or reproduce in any way these pages, they're for personal use only.

thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to practice and have the sweet time to draw : .. )  please take care and don't forget to rest!



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