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my sweetest nerds, I hope you're having a lovely week so far!  : - )

this is a mega quick update to let you know I've been in bed since Sunday and some pledges are experiencing tiny delays. Worry not, it's not covid (I've tested myself 3 times haha) it's just a regular cold, probably due to the weather changing so rapidly lately!

Today I'm feeling much better, so I hope tomorrow I can finally go to the studio *cries in tissue paper*  

our mega chonker ugly sketchbook tour will be up tomorrow, as well as the Submit Your Questions for our Q&A!

Also our livestream is still scheduled for this Sunday 24th! I hope you can make it : .. )

that's it, thank you for coming to my TED talk. I'm now going back to drink lots of water and not being able to breath through my nose, please take care ma loveees!



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