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  • 0149english.wav
  • 0149english.wav




in this episode:  life update; Mocca festival, happy news (aka ego booster lol), creative activities and mental health update. Also: I shared some of the changes I've been implementing on my schedule that have improved my day-to-day mood and mental health SO MUCH

note: as always, I do swear

thing that are nice and lovely

• (okay this is not nice but) Karolina shares what's been happening in Poland and links to help Ukraine

• George Booth and How a Legendary Cartoonist Cast Light in Dark Times 

Plan D's video: cooking and making her own pajamas : .. )

Dana Terrace 

Elliot's embroidery

Ukraine 'Alice in Wonderland' 1981

this illustration by Lisbet Juel; "this image is from 1926 but looks like it could be from an underground comic from the 60s"

hobbies I'd like to try by Amanda

This is Actually Happening #225 

• I've been binge-listening to Maintenance Phase and yep still so good

currently reading: Great Expectations, by ma boi Dickens

currently watching: finished season 2 How To with John Wilson (SO GOOOD) and just started Euphoria, help




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