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hello everybody, good morning from sunny cold Brooklyyyyn!

yesterday was my first day back from my week off, and I feel so grateful and rested ma loves : .. ) I like to describe my holiday as "an extended weekend" because I did all the things I usually do in a weekend: cleaning, reading, resting, drawing, catching up with friends and listening to records while cooking. I'm so ready to tackle 2022!

For this month we have fun stuff happening:

• our spicy (?) podcast newsletter will go up both Fridays 11th AND 25th.,

• the chonky ugly sketchbook (holiday edition) goes live on February 15th

• our chatty live drawing date is going to happen on Sunday the 20th but we have two Quiet Work With Me: Friday 11th and Friday 25th as well (will send reminder for all these events!) and

• this month's Q&A will be available the 17th but you can start submitting your Qs on a post that will go live the 9th

• and as always Lens every day of the week, from Monday to Friday, for a sneak peek into my studio (and outside of the studio) life

one last thing!

I've been trying to be more mindful about my intentions for the beginning of each month, and since this year I wanna focus on creativity, I want to share this tiny questionnaire I've been answering every start of the month (so far). Please tweak and change as much as you want:

Start of the month questionnaire

what’s my intention this month? (both work and personal life)

where do I wanna put my focus?

what creative activities I wanna do this month? (set time for them right away!)

I hope you have a lovely start of your Februaryyy! thank you for being here, your support and presence does not (and will never) go unnoticed ♡



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