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in this episode: an extreme situation of close friend and neighbor catching covid, learning valuable lessons about how to make decisions (values and avoiding emotions), learning so much about myself, and on saying no and selfishness.

Lovely things:

• Jeffrey's list on myths (attached on this episode)

Where Artists Live 

• Hannah Lee Duggan's vlogs living in a small cabin in the middle of the woods (start with this one and then this one)

• Holly on Grind Culture 

realistic bird legs 

• I need to remind myself to draw these pics of Chisato Moritaka 

• this cover of The New Yorker by Adrien Tomine

Mai drew her room and I wanna do the same, so cute!

Reading: Finished The Year of The Monkey by Patti Smith (I just love how Patti writes so much *cries*) and now I'm reading my last book of my To-Read List: Against Interpretation by Susan Sontag

Watching: Ed and I finished The Vow on Amazon/HBO and HOLY SHIT plis watch it : O  We're still watching The Wire and it's GOOD!



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