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  • 0113english.wav




in this podcast newsletter: the filler episode! the constant inner battle on being honest (when answering the "how are you?" question) and not be a bummer; a talk on medication and pills;  getting to know my new boundaries; and learning how to spoil myself!


All the lovely things:

• Two teens hearing Phil Colins for the first time 

• Amy sent me this: Friendship changes. Here’s how to deal 10/10 audio

• would you guys stay in The Reactor House?

• Miyuli analyzes their fav manga and it's super useful info 

• Emilie and these colors !!

please take me here now I beg you

• Renren shared all these wonderful sites for referencing when doing comics (composition, perspective)

• Ollie Silvester night and day animation and also this strong coffee animation *chef's kiss*

Dreamy outline made by Alexa (looks like the CCS manga!)

how emails should begin during a pandemic

• I practiced hand and feet using this thread and it's THE BEST

afternoon nap time animation

• I love Alison Zai's work 

Currently reading: Los Detectives Salvajes (Savage Detectives), by Roberto Bolaño

Currently watching: Glow Up on Netflix (so goood and you learn so much, 10/10 interesting)



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